Sleepover Pt. 1 (fluff)

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Yoosung has entered the chatroom.

Unknown has entered the chatroom.

Unknown: ...

Yoosung ★: Hello?

Unknown: ...

Unknown: Hello.

Yoosung ★: Who are you?

Unknown: ...

Yoosung ★: Seven? Is this another one of your pranks?

Unknown: ...

Saeran's POV

Saeyoung had said that I had progressed enough, he said it's time I became social and try to start forming friendships. He told me he was going to introduce me and add me to the chatroom. 

I had gotten impatient...

I had hacked the app. I was bored and impatient. I don't know what I was expecting. It was late, very late. I guess I maybe thought they would be asleep. I was right, for the most part. When I had entered the chatroom, this Yoosung person had already entered, although they hadn't said anything so I assume they couldn't have been there for much longer than I had.

Saeyoung had told me that they referred to him as 707, seven, or Luciel, so that I would be prepared and not overly confused when the time came to meet them.

This person had assumed that I was Saeyoung and that he was joking around with them, so they must be on relatively good terms with him, then again, even though he can be somewhat skittish, he stayed on good terms with mostly everyone. 

I don't know why, maybe it's the fact that for the past month I've only interacted with Saeyoung, but when I entered, I became nervous and couldn't think of what to do or say. But I still am very bored, and if I don't say something, this Yoosung person might leave.

Unknown: No.

Unknown: Who are you?

Yoosung ★: ...

Yoosung ★: I'm Yoosung.

Unknown: Yes, I can see that. I mean... what is your relation to Saeyoung?

Yoosung ★: Who is Saeyoung?

Unknown: Luciel. I meant Luciel.

Yoosung ★: Oh...So you aren't Seven?

Unknown: I already told you I'm not. 

I stared at the chat for a while, waiting for a response or anything really. They hadn't left so I know they were still here, but they weren't even typing. After a few moments, I start typing again.

Unknown: You also haven't answered my question.

I wait a few more moments, nothing.

Unknown: Hello?

After I got nothing for the third time, I assume that the person fell asleep,- it was late after all-, close the chat and sit back in my chair. After sitting like that and thinking for a while, I stand up and walk out of my room. 

I've actually gotten quite used to living with someone in a normal home, it took a lot of healing and a lot of forgiveness, but I feel like I'm on at least a respectable sibling relationship with Saeyoung now.

At first, I was very hesitant to forgive him, he had abandoned me...

But after some time and explanations, I found it's easier to forgive, move on and be happy, than to hold a grudge and never have a relationship with him. That doesn't mean he doesn't get on my nerves, but it's more of a rocky relationship than hatred. Which is normal for most people I guess.

Walking up to his bedroom door, I could see a slight blue glow from under the door, hinting that he was still probably working.

With a sigh, I slowly and quietly push open the door and poke my head in. The several codes and tabs on his computer confirmed my suspicions and I walk into the room behind him. 

He must have heard me because he made a few more clicks then spins around in his chair, nearly making me jump. 

"What's up?" He said, smiling brightly, though I could see the dark circles under his eyes.

"When are you going to introduce me to your friends?" I get to the point, trying my best to sound bored. He chuckles a little.

"I'd hardly call some of them friends, more like colleagues." I roll my eyes. 

"Whatever. That wasn't my question." I didn't mean for it to come off as aggressive or rude, but I suppose it did. Either he didn't notice or he just ignored it though, because he smiles again and seems to be thinking.

"Well, I was thinking about a week from now. That fine?" Although he didn't give me specific times, I accepted that this was probably the best I was going to get right now.

"Yeah. Thanks." I say as I start to walk away. 

Four days later

Over the past few days, it had become somewhat of a routine. I would get onto the chat room a bit past midnight, and either Yoosung would already be on, or he would enter shortly after. I had found out a lot about him, including the fact that he was, in fact, a he. I had thought that when I first messaged with him but I didn't want to assume.

I tried not to give him too much information on me, I haven't even told him my name. I don't know why. It's not like I really have a reason to hide myself anymore. 

I look at the clock and decide it's time to get on the chatroom to talk to Yoosung.

Talk to Yoosung...

Has this just become a nightly thing now? I'll be meeting this Yoosung soon enough. But still...

Unknown has entered the chatroom.

Yoosung has entered the chatroom.

Unknown: Hey.

Yoosung ★: Hey.

Yoosung ★: I don't have much time.

Unknown: What? Why?

Yoosung ★: Don't worry, I'm just going to a friends house for a sleepover. 

Unknown: Aren't those for kids?

Yoosung ★: You're never too old to spend some quality time with your friends. :)

Unknown: That's cheesy and arguable. 

Yoosung ★: Whatever lol.

Yoosung ★: Oh I have to go. He's calling.

Unknown: The friend?

Yoosung ★: Yeah.

Unknown: Okay, cya.

Unknown has left the chatroom.

Yoosung ★: Cya.

Yoosung has left the chatroom.

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