Chap 5. Paint Room

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It was the third day of YoonKitty living in his neighbour Jimin's house. And waking up in the same process of sqeezing his tail mistaking it all the time as his 'Man Pride'

Today, was different. Cuz today, Mr.YoonKitty is gonna be staying alone in the house

"I'm really sorry to leave you here alone" Jimin said hugging the poor cat too tightly

"I promise I'll be back soon, okay Yoongi's Cat?" Jimin smiled stroking the cat's head

'I hate this name T-T'

Jimin locked the door and went away to his work. He actually just got a new work . He was gonna do some artworks of the daughter of a rich business man for her birthday.
And now, Yoongi was all alone in the house. He felt empty. It's not he never lived alone, he always does but this just does feel empty somehow. So, Yoongi decided to explore Jimin's house. Especially Jimin's painting room.

There was a big door infront of him which he was gonna open. It was probably full of Jimin's talent. Just like his Genius Lab. And just as he opened the door, a big, Really Big heavy man fell on the cat


The poor cat screamed in shock

'What the Fucking Fuck?!'

The man was lying on the cat. And after a lot of struggle, the cat could finally be free from under the heavy man. Realising it was actually a Naked Mannequin

'Why tf does this Jimin keep this ugly naked Mannequin? Omg....'

The cat walked in the room full of paint and sketch instruments, pages, art book, brushes, colour tubes messed up here and there. It surely gave the painter vibes. The cat wondered around the room to see some art books lying here and there, so he decided to open and check some of them

Yoongi opened one of the books, and it was his one of the biggest regret in life. Now, Yoongi was sure that Jimin is gay, without any doubt. The artwork mostly included guys having sex and Jimin drew their body parts very precisely. Yoongi kept turning the pages to see more and more intense gay moments until he finally closed the book.

'Shit shit shit shit shit' The cat was all red by now

'What have I done? I need some holy water! What have I done! My innocent eyes lost virginity! Oh Jesus, forgive this unfaithful sinner guy here!"

Yoongi was praying to God for forgiveness whome he actually never believed. And then, something caught his eyes.

Another art book of Jimin, has Min Yoongi written there. The curious cat opened the book to have a severe shock immediately. It was a picture of 11 year old Yoongi. That 11 year Yoongi who was called the ugly arrogant rich brat. Who was still living with his rich overly strict parents. Who was dreaming big but uncertain dreams. Mainly, who was the most challenging kid but never knew the word the 'Confidence'

Yoongi kept turning the pages getting shocks one after another cuz it all contains his childhood sketches when no one knew him. But How? How did Jimin know him? He was completely sure that it has been only 3 days he found out about the existence of someone called Jimin....but How Does Jimin Know Him All These Years? What is their connection

The thoughts ran through Yoongi's mind until he had the BIGGEST SHOCK in his whole life. At the end of the book, there was the sketch of 14 year old Yoongi who finally took the first step to his dreams, with the artist signature "Chim"

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