Masks to Hide behind - Ghoul Takizawa

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Requested by: @beexxxxx, Thank you for your request.
I'm sorry if it's poorly-written. Please enjoy.

[Name] had been a member of the Aogiri Tree since she was young, and if there was one thing that they had taught her: Emotions are unacceptable. You never dare show your true emotions towards anything. She recalled when Ayato attempted to attack Owl when he mocked him about caring for Hinami, she thought Tatara was going to kill him. 

He didn't though but his reminder still echoed in her head, 

"Dogs should behave like dogs." 

If [Name] was to behave like a dog, she was certainly going to give them a reason to be scared of her.


It was uncomfortable for [Name] when she started to construct her persona around the others. During her life, she had noticed that the more brutal a ghoul is, the more likely they are left alone. And that was all she wanted in the Aogiri Tree: To be left alone. It was blind anger that got her tangled in this mess and there was no way out unless it was in a body bag.  

That was her fuel during battle. The suppressed emotions, the bottled anger and drowning sorrow. When she brought those blood and tear stained memories to the surface -the corpses of her parents, their faces frozen in fear, the CCG had even set their home on fire- any human that bared the CCG logo was a target. 

With each battle won, she would forcible lock the memories away, attempt to seal off the waves of emotions before the tears would start. Tears were emotion and emotion was a weakness. But it also meant that she still had humanity. Something her parents wanted her to have.

When Takizawa was assigned to be her partner in combat, it became more difficult to regain her composure. Normally, she would do it alone but he followed her around like a shadow, wanting to know her story and how she could be as twisted as she was. 

"Listen [Name], I've been around my fair share of nut-jobs. But you are reaching the top of my list." Takizawa's voice pulled her from her thoughts. Blood painted the warehouse as dismembered corpses littered the place. [Name] turned to look at him, 

"And that means what exactly?" she hissed, anger swirling around inside of her like water. Takizawa laughed a little, the sound bouncing off the walls as he did. 

"It means you must be screwed in the head to kill the way you do."

That conversation lingered in her thoughts when the returned to base. It scared her how easily it was to kill humans yet she wanted to avenge her family. Take back what the CCG stole from her. Ayato had the same goals as she did, but why were they polar opposites then? 


This was it. The CCG -Haise's team- were ready to ambush the Aogiri base. They were unprepared for this sudden attack thus leading to multiple members already dead or fleeing. [Name] stood in the corridor of the left wing, her eyes locked on the doors ahead of her. The only way in is through those doors. Takizawa stood by her side, waiting for them to come.

[Name] lowered her head slightly, removing her mask and looking at it. The persona of the unstable ghoul the CCG had come to fear was born from this mask. With an angered yell, she threw it into a wall, breaking it on impact. If she was going to die, it was going to be as [Name], not as that damn mask. Takizawa watched this with wide, curious eyes.

"What was that about?" he asked her, his hood lowered, allowing his snow-white locks to fall freely. [Name] ran a hand through her own hair before turning to the one-eyed ghoul.

"I lied." she said, "When you asked me why do I kill for Aogiri. I told you I killed for fun and food." her words poured from her lips, the dam she had built crumbled inside of her, forcing her to remember each and every faceless human she had killed because of her inability to tell the truth and face punishment. 

"I joined Aogiri because I was angry at the CCG for killing my parents and destroying my home. I was young and stupid, thinking that this was where I belonged." Despite the waves of sorrow tat clawed at her insides, her voice remained hollow. "I kill in such a brutal way because I am scared. Scared of Tatara. Scared of the CCG. Scared of dying." Her eyes stung with tears. She must look like such a fool, crying before a battle, and she was suppose to be as bad as Takizawa. Pathetic. 

A hand fell on her shoulder, she turned to see Takizawa looking at her. There was an unreadable expression on his pale face, his eyes glowed with an understanding sympathy. 

"It's alright to cry. Death is something every secretly fears and that's why we fight, so we don't have to face it." his words emitted a softness she had never heard from him before. She didn't believe he was even capable of such softness. He brought his hand up to her face and wiped her tears away, resting his hands on her cheeks. "Your family was avenged long ago, [Name]. Don't reveal in the past because you cannot change it. Don't break yourself to be someone you are not." he said, his forehead rested against hers. She brought her hand up to his cheek, both finding comfort in the simple gesture. 

Takizawa's eyes snapped open, he grabbed her wrist and turned on his heel.

"Where are we going?" [Name] asked, following close behind him. 

"Far away from here. Screw this place, it's a lost cause anyway." he replied. 


The two ghouls ran and did not stop until they were out and far away from the building. He was right, Aogiri was a lost cause. Just something she was too afraid to flee from. But Aogiri was part of her past and she had to let go of it. Let it fade away and become the person her parents wanted her to be. 

Takizawa smiled as the base went up in flames, the two watching from a building rooftop. His hand found its way into hers and held it gently. She made no attempt to pull away. He was all she had now and he was a part of her present, and future.

Sorry if this was poorly-written. Please, leave a vote and comment your thoughts. Thank you for reading this.

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