Unexpected - Ghoul Takizawa

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Quick thing: the child is gender neutral for this one.

This was not quite what Takizawa was expecting when he was told to raid and destroy the building. He had wiped out all off the doctors inside, except for one. This human was smaller, curled up in a corner under a bed, cowering and shaking like a leaf. A child. When he had discovered the young child, he was unsure of what to do. It had been a very long time since he had to deal with a child of such a young age, he doubted they were any older than five or six.

He cleaned himself of blood and tried to make himself somewhat presentable for the child. He kneeled down by the bed and laid his head against the floor to see underneath, the child had not moved an inch and still covered their face. He tossed a quick look around for anything to get their attention to find nothing.

"Hey, kid." he spoke. The child peeked through their fingers and seemed to stop shivering for a moment.

"It's... safe to come out now." the child slowly, almost uncertainly, crawled from under the bed yet stopped just out of Takizawa's reach. Hesitation.

"Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you." he reassured the child. He had his fill of food anyway. The child continued to crawl out, with his help, and looked up at him. Their big, doe eyes looked up at him with thing traces of fear, not towards him, but mainly wonder.

"What's your name?" he asked. The child looked down for a moment.

"S-Subject 23. What's yours?" Subject 23? They were experimenting on the child? Takizawa couldn't deny that he was almost happy that he killed the doctors here. He gave the child a small smile.

"Takizawa. Do you want to be called something else beside Subject 23?" the child looked at him confused slightly.

"I get to pick?" he nodded. The child looked down in thought for a moment. "Can I be called [Name], please?" They asked, Takizawa smiled again. He could not deny, this child was sweet. They didn't deserve to be trapped in a place like this to be exprimented on. He knew the feeling all too well.

"That's a very nice name, [Name]." he stood from his kneeling position and helped the child to their feet, he threw a glance at the partically open doorway to see a splatter of blood across the floor. [Name] would likely scream at the sight of it. Takizawa thought for a moment. He turned to the child and picked them up carefully, their limbs instantly wrapped around him like a koala bear. It surprised him at first, but he liked it. He wrapped his cloak around the child to shield them from the bloodbath before walking out the building.

Once outside, he looked down at [Name].

"Where are your parents?" he asked. The child pointed up at the sky. He glanced up confused for a second before it clicked in his head. They were dead.

"Will you be my new daddy?" [Name] asked quietly. Takizawa looked at him, a brow raised. Was this child serious? Having someone like him as their father? Though, the child was like him in many ways: parents were both dead, exprimented on and left abandoned. He smiled softly.

"Sure. I'll be your new dad."

I am sorry if this is awful. I have no idea how Takizawa would react in any form of way to a child and I just wanted to write something cute with a child and Takizawa. I'm sorry again.

Takizawa one-shots Tokyo GhoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя