Comfort - Ghoul Takizawa

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There were many things that Takizawa was, violent, burtal, sadistic. But there was one thing that other ghouls could never see him as, and would almost burst into laughter at the idea of it. Lost.

Takizawa was lost, mentally and emotionally.

Through all his torture he was exposed to horrifying images, thoughts and beliefs. One of them being that his lover - human lover- was dead. Slaughtered like the prey she was. The very thought was enough to send him over the edge, attacking everything in sight. She was not dead, [Name] was not dead. She couldn't be.


[Name] closed the door after returning home from the shops. A long day of shopping had left her quiet exhausted but she wasn't tired yet. As she was setting her stuff in the kitchen, she heard something. Carefully listening, she heard the living room window creak open, her eyes widened. Was she being robbed? One hand reached for a knife whilst the other reached for her pocket for her phone, only to find her pocket empty. Dammit. She would have to face the thief.

Carefully, she pressed against the wall by the kitchen door, listening for the thief.

"No, no, no. Where is she? Where is she?" a voice questioned, sounding somewhat frantic and nervous. But why did it sound... familiar? Peeking around the door frame, [Name] saw a hooded figure scanning around the living room, ignoring the valuables that decorated the room. gripping the knife tighter in her hand, she spoke,

"Who are you? What do you want?" she asked, the hooded male turned around sharply, face hidden by his hood. [Name] took a step out, keeping the knife out of sight.

"[Name], you're alive." the male spoke, sounding almost happy at that. How did he know her name? Wait.

"Lower your hood. Let me see your face." He did so without hesitation, allowing his snow white locks to be seen. [Name]'s eyes scanned the male's features, a sense of familiarity flickered in her mind. He took a step closer, 

"[Name], its me. You remember me, right?" The tone of his voice carried a sense of concern and worry about her recognising him. She blinked, taking in his features again.

"Seidou? Seidou Takizawa?" His black lips lifted into a smile as he nodded, taking another step closer. The knife slipped from her grasp at the ghost before her. She was told Takizawa was dead, killed in battle against the ghouls. Though his body was never recovered, they assumed he was eaten by them. A wave of shock crashed against her, forcing her to her knees, in which, he caught her and lowered her down gently. 

"H-How? Y-You're dead." she muttered, looking at him in hopes for an answer. He only smiled and kissed her forehead before enveloping her in a hug. A long, tight hug, afraid that she would evaporate if he let go.

"I'm here, my love. And I'll never leave your side again." he whispered, gently rocking sideways to help soothe her.  

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