Sooty - Human Takizawa

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[Name] opened the front door, carefully trying to keep the small creature in her grip and closed it behind her. She was instantly greeted by Rocky who barked happily at her, she and Takizawa had agreed to bring Rocky in when Takizawa moved in with her.

"Hello Rocky, I missed you too." She said as she walked into the living room with the dog following her. She set down a bundled up blanket are fully onto the table and went into the kitchen to grab some water and food.

When she returned, she saw Rocky was sniffing the bundle in curiosity. "Curious boy?" she asked, Rocky looked up at her as she sat down and jumped on the couch next to her to see the bundle better. Among the bundle, a small kitten emerged from the blankets, meowing quietly as he did. Rocky carefully sniffed the small kitten, [Name] smiled at the dog.

"I found him in a box abandoned on the side of the road. Poor thing was left to die." She told Rocky as she set the water and food in front of the kitten, in which he immediately began eating. She hoped Takizawa wouldn't be too mad with her bringing the kitten in.


It was in the late evening when Takizawa finally came home, tired from the day's work of reports. He didn't mind though, anything to get him up the career ladder.

He set his suitcase aside and made his way into the kitchen to see Rocky eating his food.

"Hey Rocky, missed you boy." he said as he scratched the dog's ears before grabbing himself a drink. As he walked into the living room, he rose a brow at the second set of bowls in the living room. Why would [Name] set Rocky's food in the living room when he has it in the kitchen? He shrugged it off and sat down on the couch, his eyes falling upon the blankets on the table.

He reached forward to put the blanket away properly and jumped when something furry brushed a Ross his hand. Unfolding the blanket, his eyes fell upon a black kitten with bright blue eyes looking up at him.

"Um, [Name]?" he called out, she walked into the living room,

"Yes?" she asked. He pointed at the kitten wrapped in the blankets.

"What's this?" he asked, [Name] walked over to the kitten and stroked his head, earning a purr from the kitten.

"His name's Sooty. I found him on the side of the road." She answered, turning her full attention to Sooty. Takizawa gave a nod.

"Uh, okay. That's nice." he said, "But we already have Rocky." [Name] glanced at him. She knew where this was heading.

She and Takizawa had talked multiple times about having a cat but it always got rejected as Takizawa didn't like cats and they already had Rocky, which would like have caused fights between the two animals. And Takizawa refused to get rid of Rocky.

[Name] gave a small sigh,

"Seidou, please. He was going to die if I didn't bring him in." She tried to persuade though he didn't fall for it.

"We've talked about this, we can't keep the cat. I know you want to but we can't." he said, [Name] looked at him confused.

"But he's just a kitten. We can't abandon him."

"Then give him to a family who can look after him."

Takizawa made his way towards the kitten and went to pick him up when Rocky jumped in front of Sooty, ears down and fangs bared, growling at Takizawa. This surprised both him and [Name] as Rocky has never growled at Takizawa before.

Rocky stood in front of the kitten, growling lowly at Takizawa before laying down and wrapping his tail around the kitten as a way to protect him from both the cold and anyone who would try to hurt the kitten.

"It seems like Rocky has gotten very attached to Sooty." [Name] said once Rocky stopped growling, "I'm sorry, Seidou." he waved it off.

"No, I'm sorry for snapping at you. I suppose we can look after Sooty as well. I don't think Rocky's giving us much of a choice here."

This was requested, thank you for reading this and I hope you like it.

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