Flower - Ghoul Takizawa

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She had no idea who kept sending her flowers. Vibrant red roses would appear on her balcony every night with a note attached to them.

Stay safe, my love. I'll protect you.

[Name] was originally confused and slightly scared of this but over time, she didn't mind them. In fact, she wanted to meet her protector. She had often wondered if it was somone she knew. They clearly knew her as they knew her favourite flower.

She fell in love with the red roses when Seidou used to bring them home every night, he would always make her smile regardless of the day she had. He was her everything as she was his. Then, he had to join the attack against ghouls and never came home. She believed for a while that he was dead. Then the roses and notes started, and deep inside her head, she hoped it was Takizawa sending them. It was stupid but she wanted silently wished it was him sending her a reminder that he loved her.

She picked up the rose of the balcony and smiled. Her eyes scanned around for any clue as to where her protector had gone to. Though, if she had look upwards, towards her roof, she would have seen a glimpse of a black cloak drifting in the wind. The figure smiled at her getting his rose and note. He knew she missed him, he missed her. But, with what he is now, he couldn't risk her safety. No. He would continue to live her from a distance but do everything in his power to ensure she would be safe.

He watched as [Name] went back into her house before he dropped down on the side to peer through a window. She set the rose with the others, adding to the bouquet on her table, next to the picture of Seidou and her together smiling. It was their third date that photo was taken. They had gone to a fun fair that had opened for a couple of days, cheesy as it was, Seidou wanted to take her there. His black lips lifted at the memory.

Quielty, he placed his pale hands against the window.

"I love you, [Name]. Stay safe." he spoke quietly before disappearing off in the darkness.

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