The Alphabet

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And now for your pleasure, we have the twenty-six acrostic stanzas, that form my biographical story:


A Biographic ABC of my Acrostic Poetry

Absolutely, in love with acrostic stories and poetry

Been writing them for what feels like an eternity

Can't tell you exactly when my love affair began, but I can assure you, my wife was the last one to know

Don't suppose that matters much, she'll probably think they're weird like me

Everything has a beginning and an end, like love and life, it's written in the sands of time, but unlike us, words go on forever

Fortunately, in general, we have no control over either, let's hope it stays that way, would you want to live forever?

Got the itch to do something in a way I'd never tried before, I'd like to say that I thought long and hard about it, but it just came to me naturally

Having written some short stories, it was time to try my hand at something new, I wasn't bored, I'd just ran into a creative brick wall, as you do

I never took the time to research this method of writing, never knew it existed or that it was a recognised form of poetry, or that there were many different forms until joining the @PoetsPub, many moons later

Just as well, or I'd still be trying to finish my first book, I used it as a means of writing short stories and fell in love with its ability to stimulate my creativity

Kind of believed it was somehow unique to me, I'm still a kid at heart and always will be, even tried to give it a name, analogous, and there have been those, who laughed at my juvenility

Looked upon this form of acrostic writing as a challenge, a bit like golf, always wanted to hit the next ball that little bit further, than the last one or the other guy

My love of problem-solving made it a perfect choice for me, nothings perfect not even me

Nothing else in the world of writing gives me more pleasure than making up a story that matches a random word or sentence

On most occasions, I just come up with a theme but throw me a random phrase and you'll get my attention, however, I wouldn't go as far to say it was better than ***

Putting pen to paper, so to speak, I set out on my creative journey and will hunt down a solution, no matter how long it takes

Quite quickly my ideas begin to form and evolve into something beyond my expectations, but midnight oil I have been known to burn

Results vary, but often I surprise myself and produce something that feels good to me, something which is of primary importance, it's a bit like loving your self first, in the hope that others might see in your writing what you do

Space-Time and Its Origin is one of my first and the one I treasure the most, it allowed me to express things that are beyond my understanding, in a way that seemed to make some sense, I can't guarantee it will do the same for you

There are, of course, some that stand out in a crowd, like the special ones, about the consequences of a natural disaster or a personal issue that is written by request, where you get to see the impact on the reader

Until joining a local creative writing group at the invitation of my daughter, my naivety continued unabated until the fateful moment I learned that writing in this form was called acrostic

Very soon after my bubble was burst, I found that I was strengthed by the knowledge that the way I preferred to write was recognized and this boosted my confidence

Well as you can see, my confidence has been raised to a point where I am prepared to share with you my first bumbling steps into this fascinating acrostic world, from a place where I've blended it with many different forms and as yet have not found one where it doesn't fit

XXIV, is the Roman Numeral for twenty-four and the 24th letter of the alphabet the letter X and many of you know it can be the most difficult to address, whatever you may be writing, but then, it's just part of the challenge

You will also know that this is true of the letter-number twenty -six, especially when a big fat Z is sat there zizzling at the end of your poem or your story, like a greasy sausage on a barbeque

Zigzagging my way through the alphabet has required me to be zealous and focused on the task to convince you that acrostic writing is worth the effort and that writing this way works for you

The End of The Beginning

ALPHABET, an ABC of my ACROSTIC POETRYWhere stories live. Discover now