Monday Night Raw

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Third person POV

Maria was backstage worried as to what the night would bring, due to her actions last week on Raw. She was watching the start of the show on a monitor, as Braun Strowman walked out to the ring. Tonight was the contract signing, for Braun and Seth, at Clash of Champions.

Seth walked out, and down down to the ring with both titles, one in his hand, and the other around his waist. Maria watched, as Roman came up behind her, "Hey." He said, and looked at the screen. She smiled at him, "Hey Ro." They both looked at the screen. "You nervous Ria?" He asked her seriously. She nodded, "Yeah, a little bit I mean I don't know what's gonna happen." She said.

He nodded, as they watched, AJ tare up the contract. Maria sighed, and looked around knowing there was nothing she had to do until later tonight.

Becky walked up to Maria and Roman, "Hey guys." She said, and Maria looked at her as she smiled, "Hey Beck's." She responded. "So umm, when were you gonna tell me that you, and Seth got engaged." Maria said looking at Roman than Becky.

Becky smiled, "I posted about it, you didn't see it?" She asked, with a chuckle. Maria shook her head, and pulled her phone out, "No Roman told me." She went to Becky's Instagram. She saw the picture of Seth, and Becky standing there with, a ring on her finger.

Maria smiled, and hugged Becky, "I'm so happy for you. Have y'all made any plans yet?" Becky shook her head, "No, but I told Seth that no matter what me, and you had an agreement." She said, and Maria smiled.

"What agreement?" Roman asked putting his arm around Maria. Maria smiled,  "Okay so when I started training with Becky we automatically became best friends." She explained. "And so when I got into NXT we were already like sisters, so we made an agreement that when we got married we would be each other's maids of honor." She said smiling up at Roman.

Roman smiled, and nodded then they all turned their attention to the monitor as Seth, and Braun were getting beat up by Dolph, Luke, AJ, Karl, and Bobby. Becky, and Roman were pissed. They walked to the curtain, and went to walk out there but security wouldnt let them.

After it was all over, Becky ran out to help Seth to medical.

Maria watched on screen as Becky made her way to the curtain, where she was already waiting. After the show came back on from commercial, Becky's music played, and  she walked out, and got in the ring and grabbed a microphone.

They played the clip of Maria, Sasha, Natalya, and Becky. Becky laughed as it ended, and her music stopped, and the crowd calmed.

"It's good to be in Baltimore! The man has something to say, as I am live on Raw, Sasha Banks where are ya? Because I heard ya last week mumblin' all your little excuses as to why you ran away after WrestleMania, and I just wanted to tell you to your face..."

Becky was interrupted by Maria's music as she came walking out with a mic in in her hand. "Woah it seems, as if everyone is missing the point. You see it's me, and you at Clash of Champions. But all I see is your focus Sasha, and 'Oh my goodness she's back'. And what you should be focusing on is me beating you, and taking that title."

Becky laughed, and brought the mic up to her mouth, "I'm not focused on you, because you're just like Lacey Evans, you are gonna be easy to beat."

Maria went to say something, but she was interrupted by Sasha's music. She walked, out and had a mic in her hand.

"You guys are discusting. I mean Becky you got all your glory when Nia Jax broke your face. And Maria, poor motherless Maria, you're only getting this title match because of who your daddy is." Sasha said as she walked closer.

Maria chuckled, "I got this match, because if you forgot again I beat you for it." She said with a smile. "Oh and that reminds me Maria, I talked to Hunter. And due to your actions last week, and since I beat Natalya I have been added to y'all's match. So it's now a triple threat match." She said, and walked backstage, and Maria looked at Becky, and rolled out of the ring, and walked backstage.

She walked through the curtain, and saw Roman standing there with a shocked look on his face.

Maria was standing on the sidelines as Bayley was getting ready for her interview. Charlie was standing by, as the crew gave her the signal.

"Well I think I speak for the entire WWE universe when I say 'Oh hell yeah' to Stone Cold's offer. And ladies and gentlemen, I have a very special guest standing by, she is the Smackdown women's Champion, Bayley. Bayley your best friend Sasha Banks, made a vengeance return to WWE, really she's been the talk of the entire WWE Universe. Now you have been one person who has yet to to make a comment, about her I mean she's even gone as far as to challenge Becky Lynch, and Maria Michaels in a triple threat match, at Clash of Champions, for the Raw Women's Championship, So do you ha e any comment about her shocking return?" Charlie asked.

Bayley shrugged, "Okat well let's talk about the comments that she made last week, she said that the women's tag team titles that you two held together meant less than nothing to her. Now I know as friends, you have your ups, and your downs, but this has really git to hurt, have you talked to Sasha about this."

Bayley sighed, "Of course I've talked to Sasha, she's my best friend, but I'm not  gonna get into what we talked about, because it's personal. Now we all know what happened at WrestleMania, she took her ball and she went home, and because we all handle things differently, and that was Sasha's choice. But not mine, I chose to move forward, and not look back, I chose to take advantage of every single opportunity that I was handed on Smackdown. And now I'm the SmackDown women's Champion, so tonight I'm teaming with Becky Lynch why don't you ask me a question about that?"

Charlie nodded, "Okay, I can do that, fair enough. Okay tonight it is you, and Becky Lynch against Alexa Bliss, and Nikki Cross in a Champion vs. Champion match, and we all know the spotlight will no doubt be on Becky Lynch 'The Man', as many people are calling her the embodiment of the WWE women's division. Even as going as far as to say that she really has taken this division to new heights, so I imagine you might be feeling a bit overshadowed by 'The Man'..."

Bayley interrupted her, "Woah, no, no, no with all do respect, you might think that I'm being overshadowed but I certainly don't. I won't be overshadowed by anyone, because this SmackDown women's Champion, means just as much as the Raw Women's Championship. I go out there every single night, and I do anything that I need to do, to win. Now last week I beat Nikki Cross, so I think this week is Alexa's turn, and by the end of the night, we'll see who's standing in who's shadow. Thank you Charlie." She said walking away.

Maria was a little worried as to what she was talking about, so she went to catering where she found Becky, Seth, and Roman.

Maria was watching back, as Nikki made her way to the ring with Alexa. Then Bayley made her way out, as Maria found Becky, and said "Hey I've got your back" At the same moment Becky's music played.

She made her way to the ring, and got in the ring with Bayley. They handed their titles to the time keeper, and got ready for the match. The bell rang, Nikki and Bayley started things off.

The match continued, and Bayley and Becky were dominated. That was until Sasha's music started, and she walked out to ring side. Becky started to get angry, and unfocused.

The match continues until, Becky was tagged in, and was on Nikki and Alexa. Becky performed a Becksploader, on Nikki then she kicks both of them in the corner. Then Sasha attacked Becky from behind, with a backstabber. Then she runs her into the post.

Maria immediately runs down to the ring as Sasha gets back in the ring with a chair. Maria goes after her, but she is hit in the head with the chair then Sasha starts beating her, and Becky. Then Bayley grabs the chair, and she looks like she's trying to stop her, but that's not the case. She smiles at Sasha looks at Becky and Maria, as she starts hits them both with the chair. The two women stand in the ring overlooking Maria, and Becky as they are laying there in pain.

They get our of the ring, and make their way backstage. Then Roman, and Seth run down to the ring to help Becky, and Maria backstage, and the show ends.

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