Raw Reunion

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Maria's POV

Oh my goodness. I'm standing backstage at one of the biggest Raw episodes ever the Raw Reunion. Not only is my dad here, but my Uncle Hunter, Uncle Steve, and Aunt Stephanie are here.

My dad is Shawn Michaels, yeah I know one of the best superstars ever. I'm mainly here because Stephanie called my dad and told him she had to talk to me about something important.

I'm so nervous, I've been I NXT for two and a half years so I'm more than ready to move up on the ladder. I was lost in thought as I was walking that I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was goin'" I saw looking at a tall muscular guy that looked like he could throw me across the room. "It's okay. Nice accent." He said referring to my thick southern accent I had inherited from my father.

"Thanks, wait as second. Your Brawn Strowman. Your like my all time favorites." I say smiling and he smiles, "Thank you I hate run but I have a 'match' in a few minutes. So see ya." He says using quotation marks with his fingers.

I smile and wave as he walks away. I turn around and I'm meat with the face of my Aunt Steph, "Oh my gosh he Steph. I heard you had something go tell me." I said as I hugged her.

She nods, "Yeah I do but first why don't we go to my office." She say and I nod as I follow her to her office.

"So Maria, I've heard that you've really made and impact on NXT, and my father saw you wrestling the other day and he said that maybe we should bring you up to WWE. But we have to write you into a storyline, and I'm thinking that maybe tonight on the Raw Reunion."

I was speechless, "But when I don't have any place in anything." I said and she smiles, "Well how about after your dad and Hunter come out to help Seth, you come out before the others do and say your standing in for Chyna."

It was upsetting to hear about my late mother. She was the reason I went to NXT. Oh your probably confused, well long story short, my mom and uncle Hunter had broke up and mom was upset, and of course my dad was there to comfort her and one thing led to another and nine months later here I am.

I nodded, "That sounds perfect. I would love to go out there in honor of the one women on the planet that believed in me more than anything." I say and she smiles at me, "Okay so it's official."

I smile and hug her one more time. I then disappear to go find my dad to tell him the news.

~Time Skip~

I was standing backstage with my dad, in my DX shirt, watching the match between AJ and Seth, when it was finally time for my dad and Hunter to walk out, before he left he whispered to me, "You'll do great." And that's all he needed to say to get my confidence up.

I watched the monitor waiting for my cue, I saw the part when my dad and the others attack AJ, Anderson, and Gallows. And then they get there chairs and it my cue.

They play my music, and I walk out to the stage with a mic in hand, "Hold up now boys let's all play nice now." I say and the three with the chairs all laugh.

AJ gets down and gets a mic, as I get in the ring with my family, "Wow one wanna be, two old dudes, and a little girl. You seriously think you can defeat three huge guys with steel chairs that could literally pick you up and throw you."

At this point I was getting pissed, So I brought the mic up and said, "Well I guess if my mother could do it so could I." I say walking forward, as my dad holds me back. "Yeah just as I thought daddy's not gonna let his little girl be like mommy though is he." I pulled away from my dad, and got out of the ring.

I stood face to face with AJ, "I guess well have to see huh?" I said with the most serious face ever, that when the rest of the crew came out. The talked about the whole group, and even introduced me as The daughter of Chyna. I was still having a stare down with AJ.

Until he pushed me back, and in an instant, my dad was in front of him and he told me to get back in the ring and I did as I was told and got in the ring and stood beside Seth, when my dad hopped in tbe ring.

"See told ya daddy wouldn't let you." I went to get back out of the ring but this time Seth stopped me. I looked at him and crossed my arms.

The three finally dropped their chairs, when they were about to leave Seth was given the honor of saving the iconic line. And then we all hugged.

I was the first to get out of the ring, and storm backstage. My dad caught up with me, backstage and asked me, "Hey you okay Maria?" I sighed and shook my head, "Dad i know what AJ said was scripted, but it still pissed me off. I went a little out of character out there. I'm sorry." I said with my eyes getting wet with tears.

He hugged me, "It's okay honey. I understand when be put his hands on you I almost broke character." He said, with a smile. We walked down the hall and I waited for the end of the night. I even told my Uncle  Steve to sneak me a beer from the celebration and he did.

So needless to say this was the best Raw of the season.

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