SmackDown Live

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Third Person POV

Maria was, as always, backstage watching the start of Smackdown she watched as Randy Orton got in the ring. She didn't like how much he had changed. She grew up with him and she noticed that he didn't just change in WWE he changed in real life too.

She shook her head as she watched him talk crap about Kofi and his family. Until she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. "Hey Ria." Roman whispered in her ear, she smiled to her self and continued watching, "Hey Ro." She responded.

She watched as Kofi's music can on, and he didn't walk out, she saw Randy turn around and get hit by a trouble in paradise. She laughed, "Don't talk about a man's family." She said looking at Roman.

Roman smiled and kissed her head. Maria smiled and looked down the hall just trying to see if anything new was happening. As always nothing, she watched the monitor to see the announcers talking about what happened last week on SmackDown. They roll the clip of what happened over the past few weeks.

They play the accident with Roman and Maria backstage with the forklift, the car accident with Maria and Somoa Joe, where Roman was walking away and saw Buddy Murphy backstage, him talking to him in the locker room with Murphy, Rowan attacking Murphy at SummerSlam. Rowan beating up Murphy, and Maria, Roman, Daniel, and Rowan in the locker room last week.

They then start the first round in the king of the ring tournament. Roman puts his hands on Maria's hips, "You wanna go to catering for a little bit." He asks,  Maria turns around and looks at him, "Yeah sure."

They walk down the hall to catering and then they turn the corner, and see Daniel and Rowan walking a hooded figure to an unknown room. "Do you actually think they are telling the truth Ro." Maria asks, Roman shakes his head and looks at her.

They continue walking to catering and sit down to watch SmackDown until they actually have to do something. They watch as Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon talk about the fine he got.

They watch the Andrade vs Apollo Crews match. Maria didn't like Andrade that much because of the way he always won because his 'business manager' Zelina Vega always interfered, and helped him.

Roman looks at her, "What you thinking about Ria?" Roman asks, she looks at him and smiles, "Thinking about now I would love to brag the crap out of Zelina Vega." She explained with a laugh.

Roman smiled, "Why would you want to do that why don't you wanna keep your eyes on the prize the Raw Women's Championship." He said. Maria sighed, "I'm not gonna try in that watch I don't want to win the title against Becky, but when someone else gets the title I'll be number one contender." She says.

Roman looks at her like she's crazy, "Why I mean I get she's your friend, why don't you at least try and if you win and she gets mad she wasn't your real friend." He explains.

Maria nods, she hadn't been thinking about it a lot because of the fact that she already had plans to just not win at all. She looked at the screen and saw that Andrade won with Zelina's help.


Roman was in the locker room talking to Buddy Murphy while Maria was waiting outside when she noticed someone walking up to her, she noticed Ali. He walked her and smiled. "Hey. I don't.think we've met yet, I'm Ali." He says extending a hand for her to shake she smiles back and shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you I'm Maria, I'm Shawn....." She starts but then cuts her off, "Your the daughter of Shawn Michaels and Chyna it's all everyone on social media talks about. And they all seem to like you, very much." He said letting go of her hand.

He looks at her, "Hey I don't want to ask but I've been there. Do you ever... You know miss your mom." He asked sitting down on the floor, Maria looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah all the time, back when she passed I was so heart broken. I even did something's that I wasn't proud of that's why I started wrestling and my dad got me into NXT and I don't know I think it just made me feel closer to her." She explained looking at the looker room door.

She sighed, "I'm sorry we just met I shouldn't be putting all my issues on you. I usually just shut people out when they talk to me." She said and he looked at her, "Why? That sounds kinda lonely." He says with a serious face.

Maria sighs again, "I don't know. It's easier I guess. But sometimes I think that if I'm alone to much I'll get lost in my thoughts and slip back into a dark place." She explained just as the locker room door opened and Roman came out.

She smiled at him, "Hey Ro." She said and looked at Ali. Roman looked at Ali, "Sup Ali." He said with a smile as he stood up and said, "Ah nothing much brother just got bored and thought I'd talk to your girl Maria." He said with a friendly smile and given Roman a bro hug.

Roman smiled, "Better not be flirting with her man." He said which made Maria smile. Ali laughed, "Nah man she's with you and I respect that I just wanted to talk and get to know her a little, I think we would be good friends." He said with a smile.

They all chuckled and Ali said he had to go, and Roman and Maria waved goodbye. "Do what did y'all talk about." He asked with a cute smile. She smiled, "My mom." She said in a little over a whisper.

He looked shocked, "Wow you mean you had a conversation with someone about your mom and I didn't have to pull you off about of someone to keep you from getting fired."

Maria laughs and walks away. "I'm not all bad." She said and ran as Roman chased after her laughing like a kid.


Daniel Bryan and Rowan walk into the room that they took the hooded figure in, and they walk in and sit down. Daniel is obviously frustrated and he growls.

He looks at the hooded figure and says, "That okay it's about to get a lot better, bit not for you see I called for Roman and he's on his way, and he's gonna find out exactly what you did."

Maria and Roman were walking to the room to find out who was behind all the attacks and Maria was nervous on how it was. They got to the room just as the camera man told them it was time.

Maria and Roman walked in the room, and saw them sitting there, and Daniel stood up. "Is this the guy." Roman said looking at  the guy and Maria looks at Daniel.

"From the minute that cowardly liar, Buddy Murphy, tried pinning it on my good friend I tried telling you, I tried telling the whole world, that Erik Rowan, is an innocent man, but you wouldn't listen, the whole world they wouldn't listen so I had to go to extreme lengths to find who is guilty, myself..."

Maria cuts him off by saying, "Oh my goodness shut the hell up Daniel just tell us who is doing this I wanna go home." Roman looks at her and chuckles and then looks at Daniel.

Daniel looks at the man and lifts the hood. It's a guy that is made to look like Erik Rowan. They all stand there looking at each other and the show ends.

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