The Devil Within

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He was dreaming.

He was just dreaming.

He had to be.

Vegeta didn't know where he was or how he had gotten there, but he was alone in this black room... except for himself.

The part of himself that he hated most stood several yards in front of him, offering only a slight smile. He was as silent as Vegeta himself was, with his burning eyes and the black inky magic embedded into his skin like a tattoo.

Vegeta couldn't stop the tremors running through his body. This... thing shouldn't exist. It never should have. Still it just smiled as if in the presence of an old friend. Ink ran slowly down its forehead like blood. Vegeta had a strange urge to touch it, to really see if it felt how it looked.

But when he moved, the other him moved as well, mimicking his actions like a reflection. He frowned, and it's smile grew wider, it's eyes just a little more insane. Vegeta found that his chest had tightened with fear. He stepped forward and again was mirrored. And again it smiled more.

Disgust and fear was the only thing in his body that Vegeta could identify. He raised a hand, and his other self did the same, it's expression relaxing slightly. Vegeta took another step forward. Maybe it was just a mirror. Yes, that's what it was. Just a mirror.

But when he went to set his hand on the barrier, the demon before him grabbed Vegeta's hand in a grip hard enough to hurt and yanked him right up against its body. Vegeta gasped in alarm but couldn't move away. The demon reeked of death and fear. Vegeta and the demon were... in perfect tango position, as if on purpose.

The demon exhaled softly and drew back, although it kept Vegeta close, leading him. Vegeta was forced to follow. He couldn't break away from its grasp. But it wasn't trying to hurt him, so Vegeta found himself relaxing. "Where are-?"

"- we?" the demon finished, his voice matching Vegeta's perfectly in both pitch and timing.

Vegeta blinked. "What's-?"

"- going on?"

Vegeta frowned, falling silent. They shared a voice, it seemed. Vegeta's words were the demon's. This had to be a dream. So he let himself relax and followed the demon's steps. He didn't understand at all what was happening, so he went with the flow of the demon's dance.

Vegeta, what's wrong!? Wake up! What's wrong!?

Vegeta slowly grew more comfortable with the demon, and found himself almost enjoying this spontaneous little dance. The demonic part of himself smiled almost gently and led Vegeta through the steps. It felt so familiar. The demon held Vegeta closer, his eyes and movement growing more focused.

He won't wake up! Vegeta! Can you hear me!? What's wrong?

The demon sighed softly, contentedly. Close. They were... They were close to something. Vegeta knew that there was nothing around them to look at, but he still felt a bit of an urge to look around. He did glance to the side, but the demon gently caught his chin and made him look back. The demented smile was back, but Vegeta did not feel afraid under its gaze. Eyes on me. Lift?

Vegeta knew what it meant and prepped for a lift. But when he was lifted up and balanced so perfectly, he suddenly realized that behind the demon was a drop- an infinite one. He cried out in alarm and tried to throw his weight backwards away from the drop, but the demon gripped him tighter and launched off the edge into the dark.

Goku jerked back away from his unconscious mate when Vegeta's ki began to come out in explosive bursts. "Ah! Vegeta!" It felt wrong. The ki felt wrong. It wasn't Vegeta's, and yet it was. It was a familiar ki, and the memory of whose it was made Goku cry out in fear. "No! How!?"

Vegeta staggered to his feet, clawing at his forehead. When he whipped around to latch insane, bloodshot eyes onto Goku, the mark of his old possession was again written clearly in his skin.

That was the last thing Goku saw.

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