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No regrets. Absolutely no regrets.

That's what I keep telling myself, even as I squeeze into this small crevice in the mountainside. He- He needed to come back. I needed him back. Everyone told me not to. "Something's wrong with him," they said. "He's too dangerous to be brought back now," they said.

Man, were they right.

His power is so vast that it's all I can feel. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I don't know what his secret is, but whatever he did to get this new form definitely unlocked that absolute power. This is like nothing we've ever seen. A black and gold, red-eyed, untouchable beast. I know what's wrong with him. It's just too much power. It was so much that it drove him crazy, kinda like with Broly. He can't control it anymore.

But do I regret it? No. No, I don't.

Not yet, anyway.

"Kakarrot!" I hear him roar. I know he can feel me, but I've got my energy so squished right now that even he can't quite pinpoint my location. "Come on! You're the strongest in the universe, aren't you!? Come prove it!"

Eek. Haha, no. A single hit from him at this point would likely be the end of me. This is a freaking nightmare. If only it really was. Then I could just wake up and-


He's found me. His bright red eyes meet mine and he grins like a devil. He shakes out his long, black and gold mane and leaps forward with a savage howl of triumph. My terror keeps me frozen for a split second, but that's all he needed. I choke as his hand wraps around my throat and he lifts me up. This new form makes him four times his normal size at least. He's definitely not tiny now. "No more hide and seek, Kakarrot," he rasps, tail swishing like a cat's. "Are you... that afraid of me? Now why in the world would I hurt my best friend?"

I realize he's not mocking me. His words are genuine. I see him for a moment, somewhere inside this beautiful monster. "Vegeta," I gasp. "Vegeta, it's ok. I- I get it. You win. You finally got me right where you want me. You win."

He sighs and glances away, dropping me. I land on my backside, but don't try to run. He's sane for the moment. I've got to try talking him into powering down. "That's not the point, Kakarrot," he rumbles. "It never was. I never wanted to be the stronger. I just... I only ever wanted to be your equal." His eyes meet mine again. I can barely hold his gaze. "You were the one that always wanted to win. And I just needed someone to stand by me when no one else would."

I gulp. How the heck could I respond to that? "I... But I was. I was with you. Maybe not before we met, not before you finally started living here on Earth, but I was, Vegeta. I always had your back when you were too scared to look over your shoulder."

I don't know how he was staying so calm for as long as he had, but I'm grateful. Maybe I could wait out his power surge. There was no way his body could hold it for very long. I did mean what I said, but if he did go nuts again, I really don't want to be on his bad side. Vegeta kneels on one knee, watching me closely. "You're still afraid," he murmurs. "Am I that awful? Did you look at me like this all the time behind my back, like they do?"

My throat tightens. "No. I mean, I am a little scared. I've never seen you like this before. I wasn't sure what you were gonna do. It's kinda silly," I realize, "that I'm so scared of you right now. You'd- You'd never hurt me... right?"

"No," he breathes, "never. Kakarrot, you're all I have left here. If it weren't for you, I'd have left long ago." He's being... so open. He's actually showing his emotions. He closes his eyes and sighs. Suddenly his shimmering form gives way to just himself. He looks away, seeming ashamed and tired.

I crawl forward and make him look at me. "Hey... it's ok. You didn't do anything bad. You didn't hurt anyone or kill anyone. Everything's fine."

He moves his head away from my hand. "Why did you make me come back?" he asks. "I don't want to die, but you're all I have to live for. My life is all but meaningless at this point. You have a family, great-great-grandchildren even. I have nothing anymore. I haven't even spoken to my own children in years; they want nothing to do with me, and I'm ok with that."

"Like you said, you have me," I say softly, but cheerfully. "I mean, look at us. We're pushing ninety and still look like twenty year olds, Vegeta. Still feel like it too, on good days. I'm single, you're single, we're best friends, why not give it a shot?" I try to grin convincingly, but my heart is pounding.

He just stares at me, not quite comprehending my offer. "Kakarrot, are you... asking me... if I... want to date you...?"

I grin wider.

He starts laughing. It's not ridiculing or mean. "What!? Are you serious!?" He's actually busting a gut over this one. I haven't gotten him to laugh like this in years. Last time, though, we were drunk, but I distinctly recall him howling with laughter over something dumb I did. He wipes away tears of mirth. "Oh God... Well, you made me laugh. Sure. Why the hell not. Don't really have anything better to do."

I get up and start dancing around. "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Hallelujah, it's raining men!!!"

Vegeta bursts out laughing again. Yeah, I'm a goob, get over it. It makes him happy.

Like I said. No regrets. :P

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