"Xavier you in here?" I ask

"Come in and close the door" I hear dark, deep voice say

I look over and see him sitting in the dark corner of the office

"Zander?" I ask "Is that you? What's the matter?"

"It's Xavier not Zander" he says and takes a drink from whatever he's drinking which I assuming is whiskey "Nothing's wrong. I'm perfectly fine"

He gulps the entire glass down and throws the glass against the wall

"What the hell?" I screech

"I've been thinking" he says standing up "All these people seem to be joing forces against us because they're upset about this prophecy"

"OK...?" I say

He walks to me

"See they're upset about the prophecy stating that we're two of the strong-" he stops "No. That we're the strongest beings to ever walk the earth"

"We can't possibly be the strongest to ev-" I start but he stops me

"I am the strongest being to ever walk the earth and being my who happened to have brought me to my knees with power she hasn't even fully tapped into yet, you're one of the two strongest beings to ever walk the earth" he says gripping my chin and making me look into his eyes

I see... Love? Yeah, but also adoration?  And something else, something... Dark and sinister

"I think it's strange that they're making such a big deal of the prophecy when they've clearly missed out on one important phrase in the prophecy" he says walking behind me, pulling my hair to one side of my shoulder and putting his hands on my shoulders

"The King and Queen of destruction" he says

He puts his mouth right next to my ear and nibbles on my earlobe a little making my breathe hitch

"It seems our enemies have forgotten who we are" he says "My love, I think it's time we show these people just who they're messing with"


We found one of the rogue camps

We see them all training

They have people tied up to stakes and the rogues are using them for archery practice.

"Let's burn this place to the ground" Xavier says from behind me

It's Xavier and myself and three other pack warriors

I know we're outnumbered seeing as we're taking on a rogue camp with only five people. However, I think we'll be fine

"Move out. We're taking them head on!  Making this fast and brutal" Xavier says walking forward

He raises his hand towards the sky and then makes a motion like he's throwing something at the camp and suddenly a bolt of lightening strikes at the archers killing them instantly and starting a fire

"Damn" I say

"Baby, I know you don't know how to use your powers, but just do what feels natural" he says looking at me "It'll come to you I promise. Always remember. I have your back"

The rogues are running in a frenzy trying to put the fire out, they haven't noticed us yet

Xavier looks forward and juts his hands out. He raises his hands and the fires starts raising and suddenly​ the flames make the shape of two fists that I now realize is Xavier's hands

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