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In order to put the pieces of the puzzle together, they needed Dinah, who was still missing

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In order to put the pieces of the puzzle together, they needed Dinah, who was still missing.

Until, apparently, Deputy McGregor found her speeding down Route thirteen. She resisted arrest. But somehow, her truck still ended up at her house.

They thought that the answers had to be among the victims and they didn't get anything until victim number three, Travis Henson, who turned out to be a confidential informant to Owen McGregor.

To anyone, his name kept popping up and the team knew that this station was going to try and book Dinah for everything and let it be. They weren't going to find out what really happened because more than likely, it's an officer. More than one at least.

The they the girls were talking about could be more than just Owen McGregor, it could be the whole force. Besides the sheriff, they knew he was clean.

Garcia had went to get jello while Morgan updated Mara. "We think it's Deputy Owen McGregor. And there's a second-in-command who appears trustworthy but has the access and the skill set to do a lot of damage. Deputy Bennett is presenting as that."

"They framed the preacher and Dinah," Mara spoke quietly, her eyes taking in every detail of the doctor in the hospital bed.

"She's still alive and terrified." Morgan replied.

"She ran the prostitution ring with the preacher, but she must play a bigger part in the rest of this," Mara said. "She's clearly worth more alive than dead. For now."

"JJ's going to try and offer a deal, we think she has a kid, Garcia's trying to prove that theory."

As soon as Mara hung up and Garcia returned with food, Reid stirred. Mara perked up, moving to the edge of her seat. His eyes opened and immediately fell on Mara and her tear stained face.

"Hey," he said, his voice rough and dry. "You okay?"

"Everyone's fine, don't worry." She replied, her voice shaking.

She scooted closer to him, Garcia pretending like she was knee-deep in research when she was really listening to the two, a smile on her face.

"I-I thought you were dead," Mara stumbled, tears falling again. "I watched you bleed and bleed and-and there was so much blood, Spencer, I-there was- I thought were gone."

"Hey, hey, stop it," he said to her, clutching her hand. "I'm right here and I'm fine, Mar, really."

She wiped her face and let out a smile, gripping his hand tightly. He glanced over to Garcia before turning his attention back to Mara. "Did you mean it? What you said?"

"I didn't know you heard that." She replied, thumb brushing over his knuckles.

"Did you mean it?"

"Of course I did," she replied, meeting those hazel eyes she's never been more grateful to be looking into. "I do."

"Will you look who's still alive," Rossi walked in the room, a smile on his lips. "Can you tell her she can go now, please?"

Mara started to shake her head. "I'm okay, Mara. Go help the team."

She started to protest but Reid gave her a look and she only nodded and stood up. She brushed the hair from his forehead and smiled at him. "I'm glad you're awake."

"See you soon." He replied, relaxing into the bed, fingers slipping through hers and they separated.

As they walked out to the truck, Mara noticed his odd behavior. "What's wrong?"

"Let's take a car ride," he said as they got into the truck. "We're finding our last puzzle piece."

They were going to get Dinah's son to get the final piece of their puzzle and bring this corrupted station down.

"You okay?" Rossi asked her.

"Oh, yeah," she replied. "Just relived. I thought it was gonna be the worst day. I was so afraid he wasn't going to make it. Tonight can't get any worse."

"Yeah, but he did. And look at us now," he said to her. "We're gonna go protect a kid and give his mom another change."


Just then, blue lights came on behind them and Mara and Rossi shared a look.

"Just when you think it can't get any worse," Mara rolled her eyes. "It does."

Rossi pulled over and Mara and him watched them get out the car, hands on their holsters. "Are they really gonna shoot federal agents?"

"They're cops who'd rather die than get locked up. They're desperate," Rossi replied. "She's coming to you. Have you got one in the chamber?"

Mara pulled her gun from her holster and cocked it. "Yep."

Rossi did the same and they both rolled down their windows. "Let's roll."

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