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Through victims and Garica, they found their UnSubs

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Through victims and Garica, they found their UnSubs. And just like they thought, the younger one would outgrow their mentor. 

They found them on the dock, another hostage ready to be murdered. But they fought and one killed the other. Morgan took the younger one down and unfortunately, although they saved the victim, both UnSub's were killed.

Once they returned home, they wrote up their reports, Reid ignoring Morgan's luring to the fields for some last minute practice.

"Why don't you just ask Mara?" Reid argued. "She's actually good at it."

"The roaster's already made, kid." Morgan said as Mara collected her things and followed the two out.

"Plus, they don't take well to getting their ass's kicked by a girl." Mara chuckled.

The next morning, everyone was up bright and early to watch FBI versus the Secret Service.

First time up, Morgan hit a home run. Reid's first time up, a sad, sad strikeout.

The entire team cheered them on from the bleachers but at the bottom of the ninth, the Secret Service was ahead by one point.

The last up to the plate was Reid. Mara leaned against the fence, Morgan on second base.

"Listen, Reid.." he didn't pay any attention to her. "Spencer, look at me."

He turned and met her eyes, fidgeting with the bat in his hand. "You're losing by one run. Okay? You're the guy, Spencer."

"No, I'm not." He shook his head.

"Listen," she gripped his hand through the small openings on the fence. "All you have to do is get it over their head, and Morgan will score, and you run like hell."

"I've been doing the calculations, force equals-"

"Spence, stop, get out of your head," Mara chuckled, meeting those hazel eyes. "All the physics in the world will not work unless you let it flow."

"I don't know if I can." He replied, trying to ignore the use of the nickname.

"All those unpleasant childhood memories? Sports?" Mara asked as he nodded. "Right now, you can erase them all for good. Stop thinking, just feel it."

"Okay." He sucked in a breath, nodding.

"You got this," she smiled at him, squeezing his hand. "You got it."

She stepped back, gripping her hands together tightly as she watched him step up to the plate.

"Bring it in, this guy can't hit!" The pitcher of the Secret Service yelled, making Mara ball her hands into fists.

"You got this, Reid!" Mara yelled, the rest of the team following suit.

The ball came and he swung, missing. Mara cringed and bit down on her lip, encouraging him.

"You gotta believe in it, Spencer, come on!" 

Another ball. "Strike two!"

"This guy's got nothing!" The pitcher yelled and Mara furrowed her eyebrows as she watched Reid's body language change.

Challenging. Angry. Not a usual sight in the meek doctor.

The pitcher tossed the ball and everyone held their breath. Reid swung the bat and the ball hit it, flying right over their heads and far out into the outfield. 

Morgan was running to home base while the team was screaming for Reid to run. He ran past first, then second, third and just as the ball came in, he collapsed onto home base.

Mara ran through the bullpen and wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up and swung her around. "You did it!"

He set her back down on her feet, his chest heaving, his lips incredibly close to hers. They both felt the moment change and Mara wanted nothing more than to stand on her toes and kiss him. 

But before she could do that, Morgan swept Reid off his feet in celebration.

Mara smiled and laughed, JJ throwing an arm around her shoulders.

For once, she was finally happy. Truly happy.

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