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"Just feel it, Reid!" Morgan said to the young doctor, watching him fail horribly at hitting a baseball

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"Just feel it, Reid!" Morgan said to the young doctor, watching him fail horribly at hitting a baseball.

"Right now I'm feeling like an idiot!"

Mara met them at the fields half an hour into their practice, three coffees and two bottles of water. Mara had to see this for herself. Reid failing horrible at baseball was becoming her favorite pastime. 

A couple cases came and went, Reid gave Mara the space she needed and surprisingly, it brought them closer. Mara set the tray of drinks in the bullpen before watching Morgan try and give Reid advice on how to actually hit the ball.

"Move your hips, pretty boy!" Mara called, Reid turning around in surprise. She'd scared him.

He sent a small smile at her but Morgan had already sent another ball off, heading right for Reid. "Reid, duck!"

He turned only to see the ball heading right for his head and he dropped to the ground, the ball hitting the fence behind him. Mara was sent into a fit of laughter, going over and taking the bat from him.

"Let me try." She smirked at him.

Morgan set off a ball and Mara swung, sending the ball over Morgan's head, far into the outfield. Morgan was seemingly shocked at her power but shrugged it off, her anger was enough to get her multiple home runs.

Reid shook his head at her, grabbing his coffee from the tray. "Now that's just wrong."

"What?" Mara teased. "I played when I was little."

"What didn't you do when you were little?" Morgan asked her. "Horseback, golf, hunting, archery, and now softball?"

"To conclude, there isn't a thing that I'm not good at."

Reid smirked to himself. "She's right."

Mara's mouth parted in shock, shoving him playfully. Morgan only shook his head at his two friends, grabbing his coffee and heading to his car. 

"Giving up already?" Mara chuckled.

As if on cue, her phone went off in her pocket and she pulled it out, reading the message from Garcia calling them in. Morgan always got the call first, the first person on Garcia's mind when they were getting called in.

Reid smiled at her, pushing her gently, his hands pressed against her back as she groaned, slowly moving towards her car.

It seemed like every time they got a day off, it only lasted a few hours. Since Reid rode with Morgan to the fields, he rode with Mara to the station. He got dirt all over his pants but just decided to grab a pair out of his go-bag instead of running all the way home.

"How was your night?" Reid asked her, brushing the dirt off in her car, Mara slapping his arm to make him quit.

"Good, I read some, watched a movie and dozed off," she replied. "Yours?"

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