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Mara's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes, pain filling her senses

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Mara's vision was blurry as she opened her eyes, pain filling her senses. Each and every one of her senses were on fire.


She shot up, her head spinning and her nose burning as she took in the scene in front of her. The tenth floor of the FBI building was on fire. The BAU floor. The floor her entire team was on.

"No, no, no." She cried, standing up and pushing through the hordes of people that were evacuating.

She choked on a sob, moving to go into the building but someone grabbing her arm and stopping her. "Mara, stop!"

She turned and met Morgan's eyes, relieved to see him. "You're okay? Where everyone else? Where's Reid?"

"They're behind me," Morgan assured her. "We figured out it was her. We got out."

"What?" She asked, her ears ringing as she searched the oncoming crowd for Reid's face.

"Mara, you need to get checked-"

She saw JJ's face, along with Hotch's, Rossi's, and Garcia's. Where the hell was Reid?

She grabbed JJ's arm, pulling her close to her. "Where's Reid?"

She sighed, relieved to see Mara had made it out. "Looking for you."

Firefighters arrived then, alongside ambulances. Mara started to move inside but Morgan's arms wrapped around her waist and held her in place. She fought against his arms. "No, I have to find Reid!"

She stopped fighting when her eyes landed on him. Reid was coughing and pushing through the crowd, his face wet with sweat and tears. He hadn't found her.


He looked up and his eyes landed on her face, pushing through the pain in his lungs and towards her. Morgan let her go and she practically ran to Reid, her body crashing against his. She sobbed into his neck, hugging him so tightly he couldn't breathe.

"I found you."

Mara didn't hear it, only pulled back and searched his face for injuries. "I'm so sorry-"

"Mara, you're bleeding."

Reid's hands moved to the source of her wound, heavy bleeding on her side. Mara pushed his hands away and started to talk. "Charlie found me, he's disorganized, mentally unstable, him and Sam had some kind of plan-"

"Mara, I don't care right now, you need to get checked out."

"But Charlie-"

"Now," he said, lifting her shirt and looking at the wound. "Wait, Mara, this is from a gunshot."

"Charlie was here, he was-he was here-"

Reid wrapped an arm around her waist and started moving her towards the ambulance. Reid looked over at her, her eyes were darting back on forth, her lips moving as if she was talking to herself. She'd occasionally press a hand into her ear, trying to make the ringing stop.

Reid got her to an ambulance and a pair of paramedics set their sights on her. Mara was getting dizzy, her lungs were burning, she needed to sit down. As soon as her butt hit the edge of the ambulance, she closed her eyes and fell unconscious.

"Mara?" Reid asked as the paramedics asked him to step back.

"We're taking her to the hospital, are you riding with us or not?" They asked Reid as he nodded and stepped into the ambulance.

There was blood everywhere. Coming from Mara's side. Her head, her ears. Mara was fighting sleep like it was her worst enemy but it wasn't enough. Reid's hands were covering hers, scolding himself for not keeping track of her.

When they arrived at the hospital, they took her right into surgery and Reid tried following behind but they wouldn't let them. He headed for the waiting rooms, the other members of the team starting to arrive.

"Mara went out to her car to get a smoke," Rossi said. "But she left the building twenty minutes before the bomb went off."

"She puts her cigarette out prematurely because she doesn't want us to know she's a smoker," Reid said quietly, rubbing at the blood on his hands. "Five minutes, tops."

"So, if Mara was Sam's target, why did she blow up our entire floor?"

"Right," JJ said, pulling her hair into a ponytail. "Mara trusted Sam, she could have easily lured her away and killed her, but she didn't."

"Mara took away everything she wanted," Reid quickly said. "Sam was in love with Charlie. Mara came in, made him fall in love with her, and then it was like Sam never existed. And when Mara was extracted, Charlie was heartbroken and Sam tried putting him back together."

"But she couldn't," Morgan continued. "There's been no robberies like the ones they used to commit since Mara was taken out."

Reid's eyes kept glancing towards the doors, waiting for the doctors to come through and tell him she didn't make it. Lose her again.

"He wanted to take everything away from her just like she'd taken everything away from her," Reid said to the group. "She knew her team was the most important thing to her."

"Charlie is dead," Hotch said. "Do we know if Sam is?"

Everyone shrugged. "If she's still alive and she finds out that Mara wasn't in the building when the bomb went off-"

"She's going to come here." Reid said, standing up as the doctor came through the doors.

"Mara Tate?" the doctor asked, Hotch moving to the very front of the group. "She's stable. She lost a lot of blood and the bullet only grazed her, but she managed to stabilize her. She's in the ICU, you can visit her in the morning."

"Thank you, doctor."

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