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"He's running!" Morgan yelled and him and JJ ran after him, Mara pulling Reid behind the car and propping him up, her fingers pressing into the bloody mess on his neck

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"He's running!" Morgan yelled and him and JJ ran after him, Mara pulling Reid behind the car and propping him up, her fingers pressing into the bloody mess on his neck.

"We need help!" Mara yelled, tears falling down her face as Reid was falling in and out of consciousness.

"Spencer, stay with me," she said, looking around for a medic. "Spence, please, don't close your eyes!"

He tried to look up at her but his vision was blurring. He couldn't keep his eyes open. Blood was pouring through her fingers and Reid's eyes were drooping shut.

"We need help!" she sobbed, searching for someone to help. "Dammit, someone help!"

Reid fell unconscious and Mara only sobbed harder. "Spencer, listen to me, I-I love you, okay? I do, I really do."

She wiped the tears from her face, Reid's blood transferring to her face. "I need you to stay awake, I need you to get through this because we have a long future together, Spence, please. I love you and I need you to get through this."

Finally, a gurney rolled out and they put Reid on it, right into the ambulance. Morgan got into as well, wrapping an arm around Mara. 

"Preacher's dead." Morgan said as a medic wrapped up his arm, Mara sitting next to Reid, clutching his hand as the medic took his blood pressure, wrapping his neck.

"The sound is like a teakettle..." Reid said, Mara and Morgan moving closer to listen. "Do you hear it?"

"What?" Morgan asked. "Reid?"

But that wasn't enough, his blood pressure was dropping. "Do something!"

"Pressure's dropping, pulse is thready, starting large-bore IV." the medic yelled. "Hurry!"

They arrived at the hospital and they wheeled Reid out, Morgan having to hold Mara back from going into surgery with him. 

Morgan was getting his wound stitched up while Mara was being looked over to make sure that she didn't have any bruising from the bullet.

Once she was all checked out, she returned to the waiting room, waiting to hear about Reid.

Hotch called her. "Is everything okay there?"

"Coleman's dead, Morgan took a couple hits and so did I," she spoke, her voice shaking. "Reid's in surgery. It doesn't look good, Hotch."

"We'll be there as soon as we can get there," he replied. "I'm sorry, Mara."

She paced around the waiting room, the other guests watching her pull off her bloody FBI vest, the dried blood covering her hands and face.

JJ came in with Hotch and the rest of the team, convincing Mara to come to the bathroom and wash his blood off. Mara glanced at herself in the mirror as JJ wet a paper towel and brushed the blood from her face.

"Spence would have read like two books by now." JJ chuckled, trying to calm Mara.

"Maybe three." Mara replied.

Silence fell between them as JJ washed the blood from Mara's skin, tears burning her eyes. "It should have been me."

"Or me," JJ replied. "Or any of us."

"No," Mara replied, her chin wobbling as tears threatened to fall. "He pushed me out of the way. If he doesn't make it-"

"He'll make it," JJ replied. "He has to. He's just, he's too young."

"There's still things he needs to do," Mara cried. "Things I need to tell him."

"You know, he wants kids," JJ said, Mara focusing on calming herself. "Can you imagine Spence as a dad?"

"That'd be the luckiest kid in the world." Mara said softly.

"No doubt."

Mara was pacing the waiting room when everyone went to see Morgan. She insisted on staying here, she couldn't do anything but wait and hope. Hope that he made it. Hope that he heard her. She didn't need any more conformation, she just needed him to be okay. She wanted him.

Garcia updated her while she anxiously paced the room. They found out that the bullets Reid heard was from a Mac-ten, a law enforcement issue gun. 

Finally, after what felt like hours, the team split, looking for answers, the doctor came out. 

"Agent." He greeted Mara, her eyes searched his face for answers, she needed them and now.

"How is he?" Mara asked him.

"Incredibly lucky," he answered, Mara sucking in a breath. "Two millimeters to the right and the bullet would have torn through the carotid artery. It nicked some smaller vessels, but we've stopped the bleeding."

Mara sat down in a chair and let out a mix between a relieved sigh and a sob. The doctor set a hand on her shoulder, Garcia's on the other. "You can see him now."

Mara and Garcia moved their stuff into Reid's room, Mara nearly breaking down at the sight of him. He was okay. She collapsed into the chair next to his bed and clutched his hand tightly, pressing her forehead against it as she sobbed.

"I love you, Spencer." She whispered so quietly, Garcia didn't even hear it.

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