Chapter 12

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Hadrian’s P.O.V

I was woken up from my body clock. Walking Towards the window, day and night are still in the same sky, I spelled a quick Tempus to know what the current time is, and it was still 4 in the morning. Knowing I can no longer go back to sleep, I exit my room and roam around the manor. Sleeping portraits in every hallway, a mischievous idea pop inside my head, I quickly walk to the direction of the room I wanted to go.

I was now in front of Draco’s bedroom, feeling a smirk on my lips I entered his room. Looking at the sleeping dragon, I silently walk towards him. Admiring how adorable he looks, with his blond hair scattered all over his pillow, with a smirk I execute my plan. I take a step back then pounce on the sleeping Draco.

“Bloody Merlin in the Underworld!!!” he sprang up in shock, “What in Merlin’s name are you doing Hades!!”

“I was bored and I thought I should go to you so we could play” I said with a puppy dog eyes with a pouty lips. “As much as I want to play with you, I can’t, I’m a young Malfoy and a Malfoy needs their rest.” He said turn in to sleep. “Come on Draco” I pounce on him once more, “The skies awake so I’m awake, so we could play” I said copying the line of Anna from the muggle movie frozen.

“Go play by yourself” and started to levitate me towards the door. “But Dray” trying once more to make him join me. “No” and he then close the door. “Fine then I’ll just play by myself” before I leave his door I put a quick spell that will change his hair to the same color of the Weasley’s when he exit his room.

Walking down the corridors of the manor, is quiet serene and peaceful, I saw my parents quarters, I peeked inside seeing them so peaceful as if there’s no problem in the world, that has no solution. I smiled at them and silently close the door and continue my walk.

While walking I was humming to a tune (A/N: you can play the song above if you like)

~One thousand years ago this story starts. There were four sorcerers with strong and wise heart~

The voice echoes through the corridors. I followed the voice and started to become clear.

~Bold Gryffindor from Wild Moor, Fair Ravenclaw from Glenn, Sweet Hufflepuff from Valley Brood, and Shrewd Slytherin from Fen~

I see a door lights are still on from the inside, I slightly opened the door, peeking inside. The four founders of Hogwarts alive and healthy. They’re singing with the charmed piano.

~Brave Godric Gryffindor favor the strong, those who have courage and knew right from wrong. And Rowena Ravenclaw taught only the best, and so kind Helga Hufflepuff would teach all the rest. But Salazar Syltherin has his own plans, he thought the muggle borns didn’t understand the subtleties of magic and so he devised the chamber of secrets with a monster inside~

“Hey, who changed the lyrics? What will our heir think if he/she hears that I made my chamber because I don’t like the Muggle-borns” a man in green spoke. “It was Godric, Salazar dear” the woman in yellow spoke.

Salazar walk out of his frame then walk towards a painting with majestic red and yellow the color of chivalry. “Godric, come out of that blasted painting of yours” Salazar said.

“I won’t you’ll pull my ear again” Godric said hiding behind the curtain inside the painting. “If you won’t come out I will surely enter your painting and pull your ear” Godric then revealing himself and exit the painting. “Change the song back from what it was before.” Doing what was told Godric then change it what it was supposed to be.

“Well what do we have here” a voice spoke behind me, startling me. I then walk backwards but stumble inside the room. “Well fellas our heir has found his way towards us” the lady in blue spoke. “That’s wonderful, hello there young one I’m Helga Hufflepuff.” The lady in yellow said. “And this here lads who are bickering to no end are Salazar Syltherin and Godric Gryffindor.”

“And this is—”

“I’m Rowena Ravenclaw, I can introduce myself dear” Rowena said sitting in a blue chair in the room. Helga the sit beside Rowena. “Enough with that lads meet your heir” Rowena said a little bit pissed with both of them.

“Come dear introduce yourself.” Helga said with a sweet smile. “Well, I’m Hadrian Marvolo Slytherin. My father is one of Salazar’s descendant. My mother is the well-known half-blood prince.”

“Which house are you sorted Lad.” Salazar said. “I’m---”

“Why did I even asked of course you’ll be in my house because your one of my descendant.”

“Well actually I’m not” I said. “Why is that?” He spoke and rise one of his brows. “Because I was tricked and used by a dubious man, tricking me that my own family was my foe, and telling me that the Slytherin where all evil comes from, and so I asked the sorting hat to place me in Gryffindor, but they are like the mean man who deceive me, a two face, backstabbing people who stole from me” I rant all my thoughts.

“I see, Godric what had happened to your house, isn’t they supposed to be honorable. Aren’t they supposed to act like a knight ready to serve and protect the school? Why are they much horrible that cunning snakes”

“And who was that man Hadrian dear”

“He’s Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, he’s Order of Merlin (first class), Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot and the cause my parents lost me when I was still an infant” I said lowering my head so they couldn’t see the tears falling from my eyes.

“I see,” Salazar put two of his fingers under my chin raising my head, “Chin up child, you are the Heir of the four founders of Hogwarts you possess all the traits of the House, and a direct descendant of mine,” he spoke with a gentle smile. “Now before we leave you we have a little favor to ask,” I look towards Rowena Ravenclaw, “Collect our portraits inside the castle and place them in our respective common rooms,” show a miniature scale of Hogwarts where each portrait can be seen. “I will do as you say Miss Ravenclaw,”

“Nonsense, call me Grandmother,” she said smiling before I woke up in one of the benches in the garden “Hadrian here you are we were looking everywhere for you. What’s the matter child? You can tell me” he then approach me. Stunned, I couldn’t answer him.


A/N: who could that be 😱 find out in the next chapter. And sorry for not updating soon, you school and all. See ya don’t forget to comment and vote if you like the chapter. ☮️✌️.

Lies and GlamourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora