'Chapter 20

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Hadrian's Pov

"It's good to have you back Abbas," I said. "To you as well young Slytherin," he said and bowed his head slightly. I smiled seeing the familiar of my ancestor is back with us. "Young Slytherin you must take a rest it seems that your magic has depleted some of your vigor" when he said that I started to see double. "Careful young one" I can feel cold scales on my back as he guided me not letting me fall. "Thank you, Abbas" I carefully stood up with his help. He guides me to the chamber of Salazar Slytherin. "Rest here for the meantime young one"

In it is a small sleeping chamber. "The room will change to what the heir desires." He said and left me to my own devices. "Nice place you got here," I quickly looked at where the voice came from "Agat, what are you doing here?" I said confused.

"Couldn't sleep since my twin is on the other side of the castle" he said slowly walking to a beanbag that suddenly appeared. "I. I see" I stuttered. "But how did you get here?"

"Oh... That was easy I just followed you, all the way here. You should consider training more, you were so focused on going down here and you barely even felt my presence," he said while chewing on a Drooble's bubblegum. I was stunned "How about this I will give you the location of the secret passage to the..." as I took out my wand "Accio Marauder's Map" the piece of paper came flying in my hand. "In the Gryffindor's common room, it seems that even your twin isn't asleep," I chuckle. "Does this happen often?"

"Nope, this only happens if it's a new place," he said as he took the map and started to walk toward the passage. "Wait, Agat!" he stopped from his tracks and looked at me. "Can you give this to professor Snape," I said while I quickly wrote a message. "Since you're already going up and all," he smiled at me and took the note from me, and started walking again.

I lay on the bed and close my eyes 'at least now Papa won't be worried'. I hear a soft slither on the cobblestone of the camber "Master!" I open my eyes to see a small black snake slithering toward me. "Serena, what are you doing here?"

"I felt my father's presence in the pipes so I followed it here." She explained. "Have you met him, Serena," I said crouching down to pick her up. "Yes, Master. He also said that you were here."

"I see, how is the chamber." She starts to tell me all about the things he saw in the chamber and how she found a new passageway. I smiled as I listen to her stories.

"You must return now young Slytherin" I hear Abbas speaking from the pipes. I cast a quick Tempus seeing I only have 1 hour more before breakfast. I quickly entered the bathroom, which just suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Seeing a huge wardrobe near the writing desk I quickly open it seeing Slytherin robes. When I'm done I stuffed the invisibility cloak inside my robes. I race the flight of stairs so I couldn't be late.

Seeing the tall doors of the great hall I see Draco holding my bag near the doors. "Where have you been everyone's already inside."

"I'm sorry I was in the chamber of secrets. I fell asleep down there and I lost track of time." We sat down near his friends. I see both the Biringan twins sitting at the Slytherin table. "Hey, guys are you guys comfortable?" I asked "Yeah, but it seems that having connections in Slytherin is not good in Gryffindor, but there are a handful of lions that are nice too and the Weasley twins are nice though," I sighed "You're always welcome to sit and join us as well in the common." I said and smiled at him.

I looked towards the staff's table, in the direction of my Papa to let him know that I'm there. When time struck eight the food all appeared. After breakfast, the headmaster stood up. "In two weeks, two neighboring schools will be here at Hogwarts to participate with us in the upcoming Triwizard Tournament."

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