Chapter 21

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Severus's Pov

I was in the middle of checking the seventh year's essays when the door to my office when a knock came. I stood up from my desk and walk to the door, opening it and revealing Minerva with my son behind her, "What is that you seek Minerva, I'm in a pile of lessons to check."

"Severus it appears that your son took someone else's course book for his own advantage" she then presents the stated book to me. Examining every corner of the book, I recognized some of its features whenever Tom asked me to join him in the chamber of secrets to look for rituals for his rebirth. "Hadrian this is your fathers did you ask his permission to borrow this" I looked towards my son who only nodded. "It looks that there is no problem here Minerva, the child did ask his father." I walked towards him and gave the book to the small raven head boy. I lowered myself so I could reach his height "If your grandfather knew of this mishap he will have you cleaning all of his cauldrons and won't be allowed to make any potion for a month" I whispered to my son's ear.

The boy then paled knowing what I said was true, "Now run along, if I remember correctly you have DADA next" the small ravenette didn't wait any longer in his office. "Is there something you need Minerva if none close the door on your way out" I then return to his table.

"How can you just let the boy have the book back, it is clear that he took it without permission-" I raised my hand to stop her blabbing "The child said he inquired his Father if he could bring the book, and his father allowed him. What is the problem with that?" I sat down on my chair and continued my work, I heard Minerva sigh and exit my office. Casting a quick tempus, I sighed knowing I had to go out of my office for lunch.

Hadrian's Pov

I quickly walked to the great hall wishing that Draco brought my bag with him after transfiguration. When I entered the hall all of the Slytherins were there. "How did it go with Snape," Draco asked, I slump down beside him. "It's a good thing Father brings papa down the chamber or else McGonagall will take Grandfather Sal's book and I'll be doomed"

When the Golden Trio arrived at the great hall Dumbledore waved his hand so the feast has begun. I began piling my plate with food "It's a good thing that Grandfather Salazar's portrait is moved to Gryffindor Manor" I sighed and took a small bite of my lunch. Draco looked at me with pity, "Hadrian, Professor Snape wanted me to give you this" a Amihan spoke handing me a small note.

'Hadrian kindly visit the end of the corridor in the dungeon before curfew


I looked towards the staff table with a brow a rise, papa only then nodded as an answer. I showed Draco the note and begged him to come with me later and to be answered with an okay sign. After lunch we all get up for DADA, all Slytherins then stood up in order and the perfects escort the first to their next class.

We arrived at the lecture hall early, we took the seat in the middle with the other Slytherins scattered around the classroom. Loud voices and stomping feet can be heard as signs that the Gryffindors are arriving. Loud chatters filled the room, all took their seats and the golden trio sat next to us. "Have you returned the book you have stolen Snape" Granger insisted while eying me.

"For the last time Miss Granger, the book belongs to my Fathers and I am allowed to bring such book to school for I have already asked permission from my Father."

"As if that's true you--" before the know-it-all could finish speaking Mad eye Moody came in, she then quickly took her seat next to another Gryffindor behind the other two. He took a small piece of chalk and he wrote down his name "I'm your new Defense the Dark Arts teacher. I am here because Dumbledore asked me to have asked. End of story, Goodbye, The End. Any questions?"

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