Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

Dear Mr.Slytherin,

It has come to our attention that you- Hadrian Marvolo Slytherin- have come to your creature inheritance. We are requesting your presence here at Gringotts, for you to claim your inheritance. We would also like to discuss with you about the happenings about your vaults, and it also seems that your birth certificate has tampered. We will be awaiting your arrival.

Sincerely yours,
Manager of Gringotts

Confused why they called me Hadrian Slytherin not Harry Potter, I look at the clock to see it's only 4 in the morning wanting to solve this confusion. I quickly put on some pants, hissing from the soreness. I exit my room to take the key of my old cupboard where all of my stuff is placed. Careful not to wake my relatives I swiped the key and quietly dash down. Opening the cupboard I pack my things inside my trunk- which is not much- I shrank Hedwig's cage. Then shrunken my trunk to fit in my pocket. When I exit the cupboard I see Dudley at the bottom of the staircase. “What are you doing here?” fear instilled in my voice

“I just came for a glass of water,” he spoke I walk towards the stairs when he speaks once more “Harry, I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done to you. For me you never were a waste of space,” I looked towards him and he only smile at me and walk to the kitchen. I ran back upstairs to fetch Serena "Serena were leaving" stretch out my arm for Serena. She quickly slithers to the arm outstretch and curl herself to it. Hedwig perch on my shoulder.

I carefully exit the house, making sure to not wake up neither my uncle nor aunt. Once I'm outside I look for the knight bus. Once found I rode it to the leaky cauldron. The bus stops near the Leaky Cauldron.

I entered the pub, I walk to the main desk to book a room. I saw Tom at the desk. "Morning umm sir" Tom greeted, a little hesitant. "Morning Tom, do you not recognize me" rising my brow. "Uhmm do I know you?" he asked. "It's me, Harry"

"Harry, I didn't recognize you, you look more feminine than usual." He said. "I just recently went through my creature inheritance," I explained. "I see, well its see you have where to go to. To be up this early."

"Actually, I'm going to Gringotts, so that's why I'm here. And I need room to stay for the night." I said, "Of course" he turned to me to look for a key. "Here you go Harry" he gave the key to the room. "Thank you, Tom. I'll pay tomorrow before I go to Gringotts." I said.

"No problem Harry." I started to walk to the room. Upon arriving I put Hedwig by the window, I outstretch my arm so that Serena could go explore the Room. "Serena stay inside the room, I'm going back to sleep," I said

"Yes master "her response. I close my eyes and started to drift into sleep.

"Look, Hadrian who came to visit," the man in black said and step aside to reveal a bleach blonde-haired boy. "Dway!!" the year-old baby cheered.

The Blonde boy then squirms in his father’s arms trying to the waiting ravenette. I was then placed on the carpet surrounded by toys. “Yes, yes I’ll put you down so stop squirming” the older blond quaked scared that he’ll drop his son. When he was placed on the floor the little blond hurriedly walk to me almost tripping on his scrambling feet.

“This little ones certainly are energetic,” a woman with bushy black hair entered the room behind her, a man struggling to keep a small boy from moving around.

“Korvus, child your starting to be more and more like your cousin. Stop it,” the man demanded. “And what is wrong if he did turn out to be like my son?” the blond man asked with his brow raised. “Well for one Draco is a tattletale, I don’t want my Korvus to be like him. I want my son to Crucio his enemies not tell daddy that his hurt,” the man retorted with a smirk playing on his lips. He then places the small boy beside his cousin, pissed the blond man thrown a small sting jinx to Korvus’s father. “Why you little…” both at the same time they cast the disarming spell which led them no choice. The two adults, one is a sophisticated blond and the other a brunette man that is simply crazy, starts to bicker like children, only stopped when someone pulled their ears. “Will both of you stop it there are children here,” the blond woman spoke.

Thinking that the adults are playing, the blond boy pulled Korvus’s ear, resulting on Korvus to pull his ear as well. Feeling the pain from their ears being tugged both children wailed loudly. “Now look what your son have done Rodulphus.” The blond man exclaimed “Making my Draco cry,”

“My son, it was your son who pulled my son’s ear” both men then continue to bark at each other while their wives calm their weeping children. I look towards my parents asking for explanations, sensing my curiosity my Papa picked me up. “Pay them no mind hatchling, they’re nothing but a bunch of dunderheads,” both went silent from what papa said. “We are not ‘dunderheads’ Severus,” both responded. “Then quit being one and act your age,” the bushy haired woman shouted.

The afternoon went smoothly after a while the two woman and my papa chat while keeping an eye on us, while our fathers are discussing some plans and a little bit of boasting what their children could do at such a young age. 

I woke up with a smile on my face and a light feeling yet confused ‘Why are the Malfoys, Lestrange and Snape in my dream. Who was the red eyed man?’ I cast tempus to know what time it is. Seeing it's nearing 8, I change into some fresh new clothes. "Serena, it's time to go" I see Serena slither towards me. I stretch my arm, and she climbs on it and then curled up on my neck.

I walk to the main desk of the pub, to pay my fee. "Have a nice day Harry," Tom said. I wave to him then said "You too Tom." I exit the leaky Cauldron to Diagon alley.


YUP.... me and my thoughts, baby talk is not my style. But I still hope you like the chapter. Comment your thoughts about the chapter thank you.

More Details!!!!

edited: 01/12/20,

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