I was not informed of this article they were talking about.

"Right." I said trying to brush off the topic.

"So let's get to work." I pulled out some paperwork and we got to discussing about the project.

My phone kept buzzing throughout the meeting which was getting kind of disrupting.

I flipped my phone over to try and look at it discreetly and saw that I had 5 missed calls from Alex, 6 from Alicia, 4 from Ashley, and 2 from Trisha.

But the text from my PR manager was the most alarming: Call me back right now.

If there's anything I've learned from being in this world, it's if your PR manager has something urgent to say, then there's a massive problem.

"I'm so sorry. I really need to take this phone call. It's urgent."

"No worries! We need to take a break anyways." Francesca said.

I thanked them and hurried into my office.

"Linda wants you to call her asap." Janice said when she saw me.

"I know. I'm calling her right now."

On the 2nd ring, Janice picked up immediately.

"What's going on?" I asked confused. "I have missed calls from almost everybody."

"I'm guessing you haven't seen the latest news yet?" I could hear the panick in her voice.


"It's bad. We're going to have to do a lot of damage control with this one. I'm calling a meeting with everyone soon."

"What slow down. What in the world are you talking about." I asked even more confused and scared right now.

"Check your email."

I turned on my computer and found the email that Linda just sent me and when I clicked on the link, I felt my whole world just stop.

The first thing I saw on that article was a picture of Alex and a familiar looking girl walking out of a club together.

"What is this." I felt the tears begin to sting my eyes.

"Did you read it yet?"

I didn't respond to her. I scrolled down to see what the article was saying.

25 year old Alexander Grey was spotted leaving a club in New York City with 21 year old actress. Insiders commented that the two looked really cozy and intimate with one another. Another commented that the two were inseparable the whole time. The 25 year old billionaire arrived at the club with some friends, but left with the young actress hours after his friends had already left.

"This had to be a lie. I'm sure this is just one big misunderstanding."

"Are you sure? So this is just an old picture right?" Linda sounded relief.

"No... He's been in New York for a business trip..."

"He what!" Linda exclaimed. "My goodness. It's like he really wants to destroy this marriage." She sighed.

Destroy this marriage? My stomach churned at the thought that he was with another woman who wasn't me. Just when I thought things were going good for us again. What the hell was he thinking. Was everything we've had this past few months just a lie?

"Linda, I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Sweetie are you okay?" She asked, concern lacing her voice.

Signed AwayWhere stories live. Discover now