Chapter 1: New Neighbours

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The pack house was very spacious. It had to be to house the Alpha's family and the constant flow of wolves coming and going for pack business, to lounge around and for more than a few to take up residence here if they didn't want to live on their own in the surrounding cabins. Generally, the surrounding cabins housed families so the wolves living in the packhouse were usually unmated.

When you come through the two large double wooden and glass doors of the two story dark wood house, it opened up to an overly large living room on the left, the gigantic dining room on the right and the almost industrial size kitchen further in the back of the right hand side, hidden by a wall, with the stairs to the second floor a few meters back from the front door aiding as a wall between the two side of the house. As I said, very spacious indeed.

''Nephew, you're a little warm.'' My uncles large hands resting over my forehead made me jump before I realised what he was doing. ''Are you okay?''

''It's just the usual cold, uncle. I'll be fine.'' I smiled as his dark eyes twisted in worry and his black brows furrowed to match them.

''I think you should stay home tonight. I don't want you getting bad like last time.'' His worried tone made me groan.

''But you know how much I love the full moon gatherings.''

His deep laugh vibrated throughout the house making Charlie, my pet mouse, poke his head out of my loose, grey sweat pants pocket to check what was so funny.

''Yeah, about as much as I love dealing with she-wolves when they're on their monthlies.'' He nudged me gently, but even the soft gesture had my world tipping as a sudden wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks.

''Hey! I heard- Oh my gosh Jai!'' Aunt Petricia ran towards me, her arms fluttering around me checking me all over before worried blue eyes settled on me and soft delicate hands rested on my face, her hair a mess of a blonde bun from the morning rush in the kitchen. ''What happened, Rick?''

''Sorry, aunt Petricia. I guess I should have taken those extra blankets you offered me last night.'' I smiled grimly knowing full well I should have taken them. I'm prone to being sick because my immune system is horrible from just being damn unlucky as well as an omega that is generally weaker and frailer anyway.

''Oh, it's okay sweetheart. You just go to bed and I'll bring you up some soup.'' Her smile, though sad at the thought of me being sick, had the whole room lighting up as her soft age lines creased around her eyes and mouth, not making her look old, but showing that she wasn't a teenager anymore.

''Go on. You heard her, Squirt.'' Uncle Rick nodded towards the staircase and I smiled thankfully that he didn't pick me up and carry me like he did last time.

Most werewolves don't get sick, me on the other hand, that's a different story. I get sick at least once every few months and that's if I'm lucky. Sometimes I get sick every other month. My uncle and aunt are sure to always reassure me though that I'm not a burden. I think my aunt secretly enjoys having someone to take care of all the time since she doesn't have any pups or anything to take care of.

I couldn't ask for, or even imagine a better family that not only my aunt and uncle provide for me, but the whole pack because I knew if this was another pack, the omegas would be treated horribly and I would have been killed or left to die a long time ago. No one wants a sickly omega who can't even walk without worrying about bumping something and bleeding to death. My semi low platelet count always liked to make itself known.

Laying back into my blue blankets, I pulled out Charlie and set him on top of my chest just watching him as he looked over my room, even though he's been living in it long before I noticed him poking around a few months ago.

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