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I literally waited till I got home from school to watch this and it's been like what 4 or more hours now and I'm obsessed with the whole album! I even managed to not listen to the teaser/snippets of the songs because I did not want to be impatient for the album like I'm always like and BOY WAS I IMPRESSED BY EVERYTHING!!

First, the storyline is AMAZING!!

Second, the acting? 100000000000/10 acting like I FUCKING DIED!!!

Third, the way this was like a fucking musical is BEAUTIFUL!!

And fourth (get ready for me to fangirl completely), mElAnIe iS tOo bEaUtIfUl fOr tHiS fUcKiNg wOrLd AaAaAaAa!! i lOvE hEr sO mUcH!!!!

anyway, enjoy my profile being K-12 themed for now on or something ha!

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