My Decision 🏳️‍🌈

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I've decided that today will be the day I finally come out to myself as not straight anymore.

You know why?

Because girls can love boys AND girls too.

I know that it'll be very easy to tell my friends this as they will 100 (maybe even 1000) percent support me but I don't know about my family.

My dad and his side of the family talk shit about the whole LGBTQ+ community. My mum has a brother who's gay (apparently, I've never seen nor talked to him so that's the only thing I know about him) but yet she talks shit about him. And I don't even know if any of my sister's friends are either gay/bi/lesbian/trans/etc.

I don't know why last year was kind of a year where the internet accepted LGBTQ+ people but nowadays when I go on TikTok (long story short: I hate that fucking app. was better!) I seen people commenting on some people's posts like:

"Are you a boy or girl"

"You can't change your gender"

"Non binary is NOT a gender"

And the list goes fucking on...

I really get upset when people have to keep their sexuality a secret from the world because they're scared of what their parents/family/friends/etc will do.

To be honest, I wish schools had these clubs for LGBTQ+ people to get together and stand together to through the troubles they fear. I always wish that homophobic people should not exist or they should at least support their children if they come out as in the LBGTQ+ categories.

You probably don't know how mad I am at this but it's a lot. I just want to come out to my whole family but I'm scared shitless...

also I came out bisexual if you're going to ask uwu

P.S: hopefully tomorrow my sister and I get the whole house to ourselves so I can talk to her about this 😬

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