it is published owo

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I present to you the new (but kindof old) story: The Sparks Between Us ha been published. 

For now on this book will be my only goal to complete with a good plot that does not change 24/7, amazing chaarcters, long chapters between 400 and 1000+ words and will most definately have fun writing the alternate chapters for a differnt ending. I had about two endings ready before (one where the story completly ends all together and the other where it introduces the cliffhanger/sequel) yet feel like there should be more than that, like maybe 3 endings. 

So I came up with ending plots here;

1st ending: Everyone is still alive, Wolf and Taka are happily together, Younghee gets arressted for her crimes.

2nd ending: Hiro dies, everyone moves on, cliffhanger takes place until sequel is ready.

and 3rd ending: Hiro and Younghee die, Yuki can't move on from Hiro's death, cliffhanger still happens following on with the sequel

yet there might be a 4th ending too if I get time and inspiration to make it and it will be;

4th ending: Younghee dies, drama between you know who, and cliffhanger/sequel.

Now, time to write the second chapter!

Listenting to: The Space Between A Rock And A Hard Place - 5 Seconds of Summer

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