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"We are best friends . Always
remember that if you fall , i will
pick you up .... after i finish
laughing "


I woke up as the hotness of the morning sun hit my face , initiating a  splitting headache .

" Aghhhh " an irritated groan left my lips as the sunlight hit my eyes , I closed them tighter and swore on whoever kept the curtains abay .

" Morning sunshine " singsonged Jade , I cursed audibly to let her know that I was not happy with the morning or the sunshine , but she did not get the message because the next thing I felt was that the blanket was slipping away from my hands exposing me to the harsh light and cold air , I tried all I could to not let her snatch the blanket from me , but she just jerked it off .

Blinking my eyes I tried to adjust it to the lit bedroom , with one hand on my thumping head and the other to support myself on my elbows , I pointed at her .

" You are the worst friend one could ever get " I glared at her , but she just smiled .

" I'm just doing my job " she handed me an aspirin which I ingested immediately along with the mango juice .

I sat up now straighter , with my head on the headrest , feeling light headed but a bit better , the medicine was working somehow .

" what's the time ? " came out my croaky voice .

I cleared my throat .

" Whatever it is , it's a holiday and we all are going out " she squeaked .

" Who all ? " this time I had already pinned up my hair and was mounting off from the pink king sized bed .

Jade and Rose both love pink colour and almost every room/clothing/accessories e.t.c , they own were in pink , their taste , preferences , flavors even their routine also match together , they seem like the long lost twins due to all such similarities .

But one thing distinguished them , Rose was more of a scardy cat and always gets under tension , thinks about the worst possibility of any situation ; while Jade , she is like a never ending well of optimism sees all the positive aspects of everything .

Jade was searching for something in the cupboard , " alongside you Rose and Dania also stayed back , and they are up , fresh and ready " came her muffled voice .

On hearing Rose's name the whole episode from last night played in my head , even though I did not create any kind of a scene in the party but I knew Rose sensed the tension and the emotions flying in the air , and the worse , she hates when people who are very important to her aren't happy or getting along .

Standing near the bed I asked ,
" Is Rose upset from me or something ? " 

She picked up a dress lying on the floor and put it in the cupboard ,
" nothing I sensed yet " .

" I hope she is not " I sighed .
" I'll join you all in the kitchen after freshing up "

I caught the clothes she threw my way and went out leaving me alone to myself .

I was feeling very happy today , usually I don't remember at all what I do when I'm drunk , but today somehow everything was playing like a film .

Still I wanted no more of those in the further coming events , because I'd like to enjoy my friends wedding rather than getting drunk and unconscious the whole time .

After freshening up I climb down the stairs and stepped into the large kitchen , wearing my tights and a baggy shirt .

Rose , Dania and Jade were sitting on the chairs , having their breakfast , on the large oval table , I sat on the empty chair beside Dania , and picked up the bowl , cereal and milk and made myself breakfast .

DISASTER AT THE WEDDING Where stories live. Discover now