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"The human spirit is more powerful than any drug, and that is what needs to be nourished with work, play, friendship and family. These are the things that matter.”
                                          ~ Awakenings


Every now and then , people would stop me and start up a conversation , talking about the wedding and my event planning business , it's definitely not easy being M.O.H .

Where there are perks of being the closest to the bride and witnessing the whole pure ritual and also handling the main activities of the wedding , there are also many cons like people asking you stuff , criticizing your work , so many dates and scheduling and things to remember but the worst of all is listening to people and their experiences and suggestions .

Finally after a lot of talks with strangers , bumping into old frenemies ( friends who became enemies ) and stumbling upon a malfunction in the carpet , I spotted Rose on the terrace with someone .

What the hell ?

where was Dania ? she was nowhere and not even with Rose .

First she asks my drunken sister to find me and then she herself gets lost somewhere , wonderful .

I was about to turn around exhausted , and leave but stopped dead in track .

I heard a voice I wished I never heard in the first place .

My whole body just froze , I could not move , blink or even breath , all my senses were shaking and I was sweating terribly .

As the wave of air hit me on my back from the balcony , the numbness disappeared and an extensive shaking replaced it .

Every single part of my body was shaking vigorously , my teeth were chattering and my eyes puddled up .

The hot tears started to run down my cheek , and I felt so cold , I wrapped my hands around my self and took deep breaths .

Inhale .

Exhale .

Inhale .

Exhale .

The tears were still flowing down but the shaking stopped .
I could finally feel my trembling legs . so I turned around very slowly just wishing it was all a dream , that I wasn't even here , that I never even heard what I heard .

But it was all true , as I saw Rose with Michael on the terrace .

Just looking at him from so near made me want to throw up and run for life , I wanted to scream so loudly but I didn't dare open my mouth , I didn't want him to see me , I never want him to see me .

He was here , first on my street and now here , is he following me ?

Has he already seen me ?

Will he again break his way to me and destroy my life like he did before ?

Or will he do worse ?

Why was he talking to Rose ?

Why was Rose with him , did he do something to her ?

My head was clogged with so many questions I had no answer to except for this that I had to be as far away from this person as I could , I cannot again go back 3 years earlier , I did not wanna relive that time .

My lower lip started to wobble and tears poured out of my eyes , without even thinking I started to run in the total opposite direction from where I came here , I ran into nowhere , this house was like a fortress , there were halls and doors that you could get lost in , and I had no idea where my legs were leading me to , I just wanted to hide somewhere , someplace he could never find me in , someplace I could be safe , someplace where I don't have to see him .

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