"I'm not stupid." I said.

"Yes you are. Do you know what you agreed to earlier? You want to give away your innocence just so you can kill a nigga that killed your pops?....look K, I know your hurting and I know you think getting revenge will make you feel better but it won't. Trust me I know. This shit can get you killed before you even have a chance to set your eyes on the nigga that killed your pops. I don't want you doing this shit, it's dangerous and I just got you back K."

I understood everything he's saying and I know that he's just trying to protect me and look out for me. But I made my choice and there's nothing he can do about it. We already in the car anyways, I mean yeah we can turn back around but I'll just get out his car and get inside Noah's car.

"My innocences was taken away from me when that man took my father right before my eyes. I'm sorry if you think I'm making the wrong decision but you can't tell me what to do Kevin, you aren't my father."

He didn't say anything he just looked at me. He shook his head and then turned his attention back to the rode, he honked the horn and Noah pulled off and we followed.


We pulled up behind Noah's car and I looked out the window at the house we were at. It was a decent two story house but this is the north side. I don't really like coming over here because of the Serpents. There a gang that runs the north side.

Living with Mrs.Care was on the west side and the Lions ruled the west side. The Saints run the east side and OTB runs the south side. OTB stands for "only the bros."

Even though each side was run by a certain gang, the Kings of New Orleans run the gangs. Meaning Tyrek, Noah, and Kevin had all the power in this city. They controlled everything.

"Here." Kevin said catching my attention.

I turned my head to him and he was holding a gun out for me. I took it and put it in my waist before getting out the car. Noah, Tyrek and Jayonna were already out the car, waiting on me and Kevin. Jayonna practically ran over to me and she held onto my arm.

"None of that scared shit when we get in here. KD talk to ya friend." Tyrek said to me and Kevin walked over to them. They stood together discussing something while I turned to Jayonna.

"He's right Onna, you can't be acting all scared and shit. I know this new territory for you and it is for me too but you gotta do what they say Onna. They won't let shit happen to us." I said to her and she took a gun out her waist and held it in front of her, showing me.

"He gave me a fucking gun K, I don't know how to use this shit. Is it not safe in there? That's why he gave me a gun? I'm not going into that damn house." She said and I sighed, knowing that she made up her mind.

"Wait here." I told her and she nodded.

I walked over to the boys and they immediately stopped talking but I ain't mind. I know they don't trust me enough to tell me every damn thing.

"Can she wait in the car....please? She ain't gonna go in there if it ain't safe. She ain't like me, or any of you." I said to them but mainly to Tyrek.

He looks like he always in charge of shit and he's the only one that take certain shit serious. Noah would just say how Jayonna's being a pussy and Kevin just wouldn't give a fuck. Tyrek seemed like he would somewhat understand.

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