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Mirae's POV

               "Passengers of Lane 8 please start boarding the aircraft. It will take off in 15 mins." the announcement for the flight sounded. *Oh no.* I thought when I heard the announcement and quickly picked up my pace. "Lane 8" read the board infront of me. "Guys, here it is! Quick look around. He's probably still around here." I said to Serri and L oppa as I started looking around hoping to find him.

               *Luhan, where are you?* I thought nervously as I kept searching for him. After a few minutes, my eyes caught a familiar figure. *Is that...* "Luhan!" I quickly called out when I saw him going into the departure area. I think he heard me as he actually turned around when I called out to him. "You saw him? Where where?" L oppa quickly went to me when he heard me calling out to Luhan. "There! Over there!" I said as I pointed to the departure area.

               "You're right! It is him!" L oppa said as he told us to go nearer to the area. We wanted to get closer to the glass barrier but there were alot of people and it was hard to squeeze through to the front. I tiptoed and strained my neck over shoulders in order to see inside. I saw Luhan's passport getting checked and then walked over to his mum.

               "Luhan! Luhan!" I called out to him again and tiptoed as much as I could so that he could see me over the crowd. I'm sure Luhan heard me as he turned around again when I called out. At that moment, I tried desperately to be seen but I just couldn't. I had no choice but to try my best to squeeze through.

               *Just.. a little more....* I thought as I squeeze through. I managed to squeeze through a lot and I could see Luhan clearer but then he turned around started walking. *Andwae!* The moment I reached the front, Luhan was too far away to hear me. "Luhan ah..." I called out to him softly as tears started rolling down my cheeks. "Don't go..."

-A few hours later-

               "I'm home..." I said as I entered the house. "Mirae, where have you been?" Mum asked as she quickly went out of the living room. "The airport." I stated emotionless. "Airport... Aigoo, Mirae ah.. It's going to be fine." Mum comforted me as she pulled me into a hug. I couldn't say anything but just let out the tears I held back just now.

               I soon calmed down and started telling my mum what happened at the airport just now. "Sweetheart, I know it's hard for you but it'll get better soon." Mum said as she rubbed my back comfortingly. "You go to bed and get some rest." Mum said. I nodded and went up to my room.

               I really had difficulties sleeping that night. A lot of things what in my head. No matter how hard I twisted and turned, I just couldn't get myself to sleep. As if knowing I felt lonely, Boa jumped up on my bed and cuddled up next to me. "Thanks Boa. I really needed company." I whispered as I stroked her head.

               "I guess it can't be helped huh?" I spoke. "I have to face the fact that he's gone and I have to move on..." I continued. "I hate him. How could he just leave like that?" I said as teardrops fell onto the bed. "You have to help me move on, ok Boa?" I said as I smiled down at my pet. Soon enough, I fell asleep.

-One year later-

Mirae's POV

               It's been a year since Luhan left. I can say that everything is going fine for me. Have I moved on? Well, you could say that. "Yah, Jang Mirae. I can't believe you actually turned Daejun down. He's the school's hottie for crying out loud. He's good looking and even has a fan club. I don't understand you. Many other girls are dying to be with him yet, here you are, turning him down. Are you sure you even moved on?" Serri frowned in annoyance. Ok, ok. I admit. I haven't really moved on but I'm trying my best, ok?

               "I'm sorry, but things take time." I sighed. "I understand but you can't just allow yourself to suffer." Serri said as she sat beside me. "And I'm still kinda upset with him for leaving you like that." she added as she folded her arms in front of her. I chuckled and shook my head in amusement at her statement.

               Moving on is hard. Well, why wouldn't it right? Luhan was there with me for more than half of my life. He was my best friend and the one who had a special place in my heart. So I don't thing forgetting him would be as easy. Of course I'm slowly progressing. Serri and L oppa had been helping me with it and with finals and graduation coming up, it's helping me to distract myself from those frequent thoughts and flashbacks. However, no matter how much i'm trying to move on, deep inside of me, I'm still hoping for something.

               For him to come back.


Do look out for the 2nd book!

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