Protecting in Silence

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Mirae's POV

               Days went by fast and its Saturday again. Which means there's training today. Yay. "Just why didn't he tell us that he was testing us on that day? I would've given my best and wouldn't be going for training today. Grrr." i groaned as i put on my attire. After having a light breakfast, i left for the school. I dreaded every steps i took but reached the school anyways.

               "....17! 18! 19! 20! Urgh!" I laid flat on the gym floor after doing 20 push ups. We had been running on the treadmill for 15 minutes, did 25 sit ups and 20 push ups. So technically all of us were laying down and gasping for air as if we could die any minute. "Since you guys look as if you're gonna faint soon, go and drink some water. You guys look pathetic like this. Tsk tsk." said Mr Kim as he shook his head.

               "I'm dying." i said as i was still gasping. "Here's your towel." i looked up to see Serri with my towel in her hand. "Thanks.." i said as i hesitantly took it from her. "He's really planning to kill us huh?" she said as she plopped down beside me and dabbed her sweat with her towel. "Yeah, i guess.. Haha." i replied feeling a bit weird that she's actually talking to me nicely. It wasn't long until Mr Kim blew his whistle and told us to gather. "Here we go again. Come on." Serri stood up and extended her hand to me. I took her her hand reluctantly as she helped me up and continued doing the rest of the exercise together with me.

               "Ok, that's all for today. You guys did well. You may go home and rest now." Mr Kim said and left with his clipboard. *Finally* I was walking alone when Serri caught up with me. "Finally we can go home now. I'm so tired." she said. "Yeah. Haha." i replied. We walked together until the school gate. "You going that way?" she pointed to the right. "Yeah, i am." I answered with a nod. "I see. I'm going this way. Bye then." she smiled and waved as she walked the opposite way. It was weird that she was all so nice to me today when she was the opposite the last time. Well, i guess she has her good side too.

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               "Omg... My legs are giving way. Omg." I groaned as i started getting cramps. I was walking along the pavement when i heard some shuffling behind me. I turned around to see nothing but a cat running across the road. "Whew." i breathed out in relief. As i started walking again, i heard the shuffling noise again. I didn't dare to turn around so i continued walking. I kept hearing shuffling of footsteps and i quickly turned around. "Who's there?!" i asked a little frightened. I looked around and saw a figure hiding behind the tree. I didn't dare to go near it so i quickly continued walking and managed to reach home safe and sound.

               "That was close." I breathed out as i plopped myself on my bed. Something was bugging me and i went to the window to look outside. I looked around and found nothing. *That silhouette looked kinda familiar though...* Then i shifted my gaze on the picture frame on my side table. *Could it be...* I then shook my head and headed for the shower.

Luhan's POV

               "Luhan? Where did you go?" mum asked as i entered the front door. "Oh, ma. Well, i went out for some fresh air." i smiled sheepishly. Mum tilted her head in confusion but decided not to ask more. I then went up to my room with Hunnie following right behind me. I opened the door and threw myself on the bed. "That was a close one. I almost got caught." I said as i thought of just now. Yeap, i was the one that Mirae nearly caught behind the tree. I knew she saw someone but didn't know it was me. Yes, i'm angry at her and all but i'm still worried for her safety after what i was told. I don't want anything bad to happen to her again.

               I rolled over to my side table and took the picture frame on it. "Goodnight Mirae. I miss you." i whispered as i kissed the photo of her and went to sleep.

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