Class Trip - Day 2

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Mirae's POV

               "Ok, everybody. Get on the bus." Mr Song said as he gestured everyone to board the bus. Today we're going to visit the museum and learn a little about Japan's history. Of course i wasn't really excited but what to do."Hey, smile a little." Luhan said as he sat beside me and ruffled my bangs. Its going to take about an hour half to reach there so we decided to listen to music. "Wanna listen together?" Luhan asked. "Hmm, ok." I smiled and took the left side of the earpiece. Soon enough, we reach the museum.

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               "Woah. The statues look really cool." I said in aww as we entered one of the galleries. "Look at that." Luhan pointed at a statue of a Japanese soldier armed with a long, scary looking shotgun of some sort. The gun had sharp pointed tip which looked like a sword. "Omo! They used that to kill people?" I stated in shock as I listened to the guide who was telling us a story. After a while, we took a break. "The Japanese history is quite interesting." I stated. "Yeah. We're lucky we weren't born in that era." Luhan said as he was looking at a portrait in the gallery. "Yeah. Must be scary." I replied and Luhan nodded in agreement.

               After the museum trip we were given some time to walk around the area. "It sure is crowded here." I said as I looked around. "Yeah, Stay close. Don't wanna get lost." Luhan said. We kept walking when I saw a shop selling cute dolls which caught my eye. "Omo. Luhan, let's go to that shop! Lu-Luhan..?" I turned around to see Luhan nowhere. I widened my eyes in horror and started to panic. "Luhan! Luhan eodiseo?!" I shouted for Luhan but it was no use as there was too many people here. *Ah! I should call him.* I searched for my phone in my bag but to my horror, it wasn't there. "Aish. I must've left it in the hotel room. Ah, pabo." I said to myself as I ruffled my hair in frustration. *How am I supposed to find Luhan now? I don't even know the way back. Aigoo, eotteokhae?*

Luhan's POV

               We were walking around in the streets when I saw an ice cream stall. "Mirae ah, there's an ice cream stall over there. You wanna eat- Mirae..?" I turned around to see Mirae nowhere and my eyes widened in horror. "Mirae ah, eodiseo?!" I shouted for her in the crowd and looked around. *Aish, how am I supposed to find her in this crowd?* I thought. Then I took my phone out and dialed her number. *Ring ring ring* The line kept going but Mirae didn't answer. *Aish, did she forget her phone?* Then I started pushing through the crowd hoping to find her among them.

               "She couldn't have gone far." Mr Song said with a frown. "Ok, everyone go back to the hotel while Luhan and I look for Mirae." Mr Song instructed. "Where did you two go just now?" Mr Song asked. "We went there and then I lost her a few minutes later." I brought Mr Song and the guide to the area where I lost Mirae. "Aigoo, it's already getting dark. I hope she's alright." Mr Song said in worry. "We should ask around to see if anyone saw her. Do you have her picture?" The guide asked. I nodded and gave them each a picture from my wallet.

               "We asked and looked everywhere already." Mr Song said as he sat at a bench nearby. It has been 2 hours siince we started looking for Mirae. "I should've kept an eye on her." I said in frustration. "Calm down, Luhan. Let's just hope she's alright." said Mr Song as he patted my back. *Mirae where are you?*


               Today my class went to the museum in the afternoon. It was quite boring for me. Anyways, i'm hungry and my friends and I was looking for a place to eat. "It's very crowded here." said Sungjong. "Yeah and there's many kawaii girls here too. Ehehe." said Dongwoo as his eyes sparkled. *Aigoo this guy* I thought as I shook my head. "Oh, look! There's a ramen shop over there!" Sungyeol pointed in excitement. "Ok, everybody. Let's go. I'm starving." commanded Sunggyu. I was about to walk when I saw someone familiar in the crowd. *Is that...?* 

               Just as I thought, the person turned around and it was indeed Mirae. "Hey, guys. You guys go first. I think I saw someone. Reserve a seat for me." "Wooo. Did you see someone pretty?" teased Dongwoo. "Tsk. It's not like that. I'll catch up with you guys later." I said as I walked away from them.

               *Where did she go?* I looked around the area and spotted Mirae sitting outside a bookstore with her head resting in her arms. *What is she doing her all alone? Where's Luhan?* I thought as I quickly went over to her. "Hey." I said as sat beside her. "Lu- oh L oppa!" she said in relief as she immediately pulled me in for a hug. "H-hey. What's wrong? Why alone? Where's Luhan?" I asked as I broke the hug. "Well, that's the thing. I don't know where he is. I lost him in the crowd and I left my phone at the hotel so I can't contact him." she explained with a pout. *She got lost? Lucky nothing bad happened* I thought. "Well, i'll call Luhan for you. What's his number?" I asked as I took out my phone and dialed the number Mirae gave. It didn't take long for Luhan to answer his phone.

               "Hello, who's this?" Luhan asked from the other line of the phone. "Luhan, it's me Myungsoo. I found Mirae. She's-" "YOU FOUND MIRAE? WHERE IS SHE? IS SHE ALRIGHT?" Luhan bombarded me with questions as soon as I mentioned Mirae. "Relax. She's fine. She's with me right now. We're infront of the bookstore Kinokuniya. Yeah, ok." I said and ended the call. "Luhan's coming." I said as I turned to look at Mirae. "Really? Ah, gomawo oppa." Mirae thanked me with a sincere smile. Not long after, we heard Luhan's voice calling out for Mirae. We looked up to see Luhan with Mr Song and another guy. "Luhan!" Mirae got up and ran towards Luhan.

               "I was so worried about you. Are you ok? Nothing bad happened right?" Luhan asked as he checked Mirae. "I'm fine, Luhan." Mirae giggled. "Hey, thanks." Luhan thanked me with a smile. "No problem. You be more careful next time." I said as I gave him a pat on his arm. "Well, I better get going now. My friends are waiting for me." I excused myself. I took one last glance of Mirae before walking away.

Mirae's POV

               "Luhan, you don't have to do this. I'm only going to the toilet." I said to Luhan. "I don't care. I'll wait for you right here." Luhan said in determination as he stood guard outside the toilet door. Yes, the hotel room's toilet door. How ridiculous can this guy get? I shook my head and had no choice but to just let him be. "You know, you should go to sleep too." I said as I looked at Luhan who was staring at me. "No, you first. I don't want you to disappear again." Luhan said being stubborn as ever. "I won't disappear again this time. Let's sleep." I said in persuasion as I pulled him under the covers and snuggled against him. 

               Luhan chuckled as he gave in and wrapped me in his arms and went to sleep together.

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