Gym Practice

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Mirae's POV

               It's Saturday today and i have to go to to school for gym practice just because of my poor physical health. 5:05pm. "Ok, all good." i said as i did a last check on myself. I was wearing my school's gym top with my training pants for bottoms. Then i head down..

               "Urgh." i groaned as i slumped down on the chair of the dining table. "Well, you seem excited for gym practice." mum said sarcastically. "Yes, i hate it, still do and that will never change." i frowned as i took a bit from my sandwich. "What about Luhan?" mum asked. "He obviously doesn't need to go for extra gym class since he's physical health is already in top-notch as always." i rolled my eyes making mum laugh at my reaction. After i finished eating, i gave a peck on mum's cheek before i leave.

               It's already 5:40pm. Practice hasn't even started but most of us looked as though we were dying already. "Ok, so is everybody here?" everyone could just answer Mr Kim with a long dreadful yes. "Ok, then let's start with some stretching exercise." he ordered and blew his whistle. After a few stretching exercise, he told everyone to head to the field. *Omg. Don't tell me we're gonna run. Please, no.* To my disappointment, we were needed to run 8 rounds around the whole field. Let me die. Everyone took a quick sip of water before getting ready to run.

               "Ok, i'll be running in front of all of you and you guys have to keep up with me. Those who fail to do so will be needed to do some other punishment." Mr Kim smirked while everyone especially me groaned. "Ok, let's start!" Mr Kim blew the whistle and started jogging. After jogging for about 4 rounds, Mr Kim slowly picked up his pace and was eventually running. I could tell most of us were already half way dead but was trying hard to keep up probably because we all know that the punishment would be much more worst then this.

               It was already the 7th round and i was doing quite well as compared to how i usually was. We were going to complete the 8th round when i suddenly heard someone trip behind me. I glanced back and found Serri on the ground. I quickly went to her to help her up. "Serri ah, gwenchana?" i asked as i helped dust dirt off her. "Yeah. Try not to lag behind." she smirked. "Wha- Uff!" Serri quickly caught up with the others after she pushed me down. *She tricked me!* I quickly got up to catch up with them but failed as they completed the 8th round and Mr Kim saw me catching up.

               "Ms Jang. Seems like you were lagging behind us." Mr Kim stated as he folded his arms. "Aniyo! I-" "No excuses. Seems like you weren't trying hard enough. Looks like you'd have to do the punishment." Mr Kim said with a firm tone. "Ok, that'd be the end for today's practice. So, you're all dismissed except for Ms Jang Mirae." Mr Kim stated as he eyed me. I saw Serri smirking at me before leaving. *I swear i'm gonna kill her someday.* I glared while clenching my fists.

               "Well, Ms Jang. What should i do..." Mr Kim raised his eyebrow while tapping on his clipboard. "I know. You shall help mop the school's hall. Work those arm muscles a little and the cleaners could really use your help." Mr Kim smiled widely. *Urgh. This day isn't getting any better.* I groan. Like what Mr Kim said, the cleaners were delightful to have me help them mop the school hall. However, they were nice enough to make mop only 1/5 of it. Either ways, it really was tiring.

               It's 7:30pm and i'm on my way back home. "Aigoo, i'm so tired. Urgh." i groaned as i massaged my left shoulder. Suddenly, my phone rang. "Yoboseyo?" i answered. "Darling, where are you?" mum asked through the phone. "I'm on my way home. I'm walking right now." i replied. "Mwo? Aigoo, why didn't you call me when you've finished? I could've picked you up." i chuckled at mum's thoughtfulness. "Aniyo, gwenchana. I didn't want to bother you. Anyways, i'm reaching soon. So, i'm hanging up now." i informed. "Araso. Be careful." mum advised me. "Ok." with that, i hung up.

               As i was walking, i saw a narrow alley which was a shortcut to my house. However, mum always told not to go through there since it was quite secluded. *I'll just walk quickly.* i thought as i was too tired to take the route i normally use. To my relief, nothing happened. I was nearing the end of the alley when i heard footsteps behind me. *Ok... Walk fast. You're nearly there.* i thought to myself and started walking quickly.

               "Aye pretty girl. Where are going walking alone at night like this?" i heard a man's voice but didn't dare to look back and kept walking fast. "Wait for me, pretty girl." said the man. I got scared and tried to run when he caught my wrist. "Let me go!" i exclaimed as i tried struggling free. "Uwaa, you're so pretty. How about showing me my way back home?" he smirked. "Shireo! Let me go!" i struggled harder. I got really scared and started crying.

               "Let her go!" i suddenly heard a familiar voice from behind. 

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