I got no trouble with my pride, got trouble cutting ties

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A/N: Wow, a new More Than Words chapter, an Only You sequel (called Nothing Else Matters- go check it out!), and an Ex update in three days time?? Don't say I never gave you anything lol😜 

Also, don't get used to it😝




"Don't ask questions, Jesy," she spits, shoving my hands above my head and pinning my body to the door with her own. I know I should be mad-irate, even- but the low growl of her voice and the way she's yanking me around have made me incapable of feeling anything but need.

I need to feel her lips on mine, feel her hands on my body.

I give in to the need for a few more moments before I somehow manage to turn my head and push her away.

"Perrie, stop!" I command, breathing heavy.

She holds my gaze as she backs up, looking a breathtaking and infuriating mix of dreadfully confused and absolutely sure.

We stay like that a minute, just staring at each other, breathing heavily.

"Jes, I'm- I'm sorry," Perrie finally says, wringing her hands. "I- We should go." She starts toward the door, reaching around me to grab the handle. Before she can get it open, though, I reverse our positions, pinning her up against the door just as she did me moments ago.

"We have to talk about this, Pez," I say. "I feel like I've been crying for two straight days. I'm so confused. There's a lovely man out there who I feel I could really get on with, but my mind is so full of you that I haven't given him a proper chance. I don't know what's going on, and it scares me. Something feels different with us this time."

"It is different this time," she says with a sigh, bringing her hands up to hide her face. "Look, I know this is isn't fair 'cos I started this whole thing, but can we not do this tonight?"


"I don't want to talk about it right now, alright?" She says angrily, even though she's got no right to be the angry one.

"When are we gonna talk, then? You always say we're gonna talk, gonna figure things out, and then we never do. You run back to Alex and I shut up because I love you but I can't keep doing this, Perrie. It's killing me," I tell her sincerely, grabbing her hands, trying to make her see how this makes me feel.

"Just for tonight, Jes. Please? I'll come over this week, tomorrow, even, and we can talk about all of this. Alright?" She asks, eyes shining.

I want to confront her, but I can't. I care about her happiness more than I care about mine, and if putting this off will keep her from crying, then we'll put it off.

"Alright. But no more trying to kiss me tonight, okay? My poor heart needs a break," I say, only half kidding.

"No promises," she says. "I'm kidding. We're just friends tonight."

"Well, alright then," I say, popping the lock open on the door. "You first."

She gives me a tight smile before opening the door, holding it for me as I walk out.

We return to our spot from earlier and wait for the boys, who are surely still in line. Perrie and I chat about safe things, like work and the weather, until the boys return 15 or so minutes later.

"Vodka diet coke," Matt says by way of greeting, handing me my drink.

"Thank you," I say with a smile, grabbing the drink with one hand and squeezing his arm with the other. I let my hand fall gently down his arm until I reach his hand, threading his fingers through mine while I casually sip my drink.

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