He walked over to me and pulled me into a well needed hug. I smiled and slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He lifted me up off the ground and I laughed seeing how light I am to him. I wanted to cry but I wasn't going too, I don't cry unless I'm in pain.


I sat in the chair wincing in pain as Gerard's doctor wrapped up my ankle. He called someone over to check out my ankle and it was just sprained nothing big. They gave me some pain killers but they haven't kicked in yet. They don't want me walking on it until I'm completely healed, which shouldn't take that long if I don't walk on it.

We're still at Gerard's house but we're in his office. He has pictures of him and my dad on the walls but I'm trying my best not to look at them. Kevin, Tyrek and Noah are standing over by the wall on the right side of the room and Jayonna is standing on the left side of the room. Gerard is sitting at his desk watching the doctor wrap my leg. I'm sitting in one of the chairs in his sitting area.

"If you stop moving then it won't hurt so much." The doctor said and I scrunched up my face and looked at this nigga.

"If you would have gave me the fucking pain killers sooner, I probably wouldn't be able to feel any of this shit right now. You know what get the fuck on, I can finish." I said and pushed the dude away from me.

I heard laughing and looked up to see Noah and Kevin laughing they ass off. Tyrek had a small smile on his face and I rolled my eyes at all 3 of them.

I grabbed the bandaged and started finishing what Gerard's doctor had started. I seen Gerard wave the doctor off and then I concentrate on my ankle. It isn't the first time I had to bandage myself up.

Just as the door closed, I finished wrapping up my ankle. I sighed in relief and looked at Jayonna. She quickly walked over to me and helped me up.

"Woah, woah, woah he said stay off of it." Kevin said and I ignored him and wrapped my arm around Jayonna's neck and she put her arm around my waist.

"He ain't my father. Thank you Gerard and it was nice seeing you all again but we're leaving now." I said ready to go.

It was nice seeing them again but I'm almost 18 there ain't nothing they can do for me now. The helping Khristian ship sailed away a long time ago and they missed that ship.

"Your going back to foster care? When you could just stay here with us? Your family." Tyrek said and my head snapped to him.

"Family?" I asked and chuckled.

"Where was this family when my father died? Where was this family when I was being moved placed into fosters home every other month? Where was this family when I used to be beaten black and blue at the age of 7-" I was cut off my by Kevin.

"Beaten? Khristian we didn't know, we look-" I cut him off.

"You looked for me? But for how long Kevin? People call you 3 the Kings of New Orleans, you rule this city, if you really looked for me you would have found me. Right or wrong?" I asked and nobody said anything.

That's what I thought.

"Khristian we weren't there for you before, let us be now. Your right we stopped looking after a while because we thought you were dead, we thought that the person who killed Big C killed you too but now we see that we were wrong." Tyrek said and I just stared at him.

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