Chapter 7: Working together

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Asuka and the others were surrounded by wooden ninja dolls and were about to be over run with them even with their combined efforts. They were holding there own for a while but it was starting to get too much for them.

"GGGRRR, just how many of these things are there?" Katsuragi asked as she kicked other doll down. "They just keep coming!"

"Just keep fight Katsuragi!" Asuka encouraged. "They cant keep this up forever!" Asuka then slashed another doll and then blocked another's attack.

"Ugh why did this have to happen today?" Hibari complained but, didn't see the doll sneaking up behind her until Yagyu noticed it. 

"Hibari look out!" Yagyu yelled but Hibari turned around to see a doll about to strike down on her with a sword. Hibari screamed in fear and shot her eyes hoping someone would save her from the doll. All of sudden a loud 'clang' was heard and Hibari looked up to see a man in a green uniform blocking the sword with his LMG in his hands.

"Picking on little girls huh?" he asked. "Not a smart move." He then kicked the doll in the stomach and then blasted it away with his LMG. Soon another guy in a tan camouflage uniform soon ran up next to the Green uniform guy and started shooting the dolls as the came out of the floor or roof. 

Asuka and the others were shocked about this as they thought that no one else knew about their secret school. Asuka was distracted enough for another doll to sneak up on her and lounge at her. But before it could attack her the doll was then smacked in the head with the stock of a rifle to the ground. Asuka then looked to her left to see a man dressed in what looked like a WW1 style uniform. He was followed by another guy that looked like he was cosplaying a WW2 Marine due to the uniform he was wearing.

 The 2 then turned their attention to where more of the wooden dolls were coming from trying to kill them. They opened fire with their automatic firearms on the dolls that were coming after them to try and kill them. The 4 unknown people formed a small 2 sided wall around the 5 Hanzo girls. The 5 Hanzo girls were shocked and surprised when these 4 showed up out of nowhere and they started helping them. They wondered who these 4 were and why they were helping them. 

Soon the last of the dolls were shot up thanks to the 4 unknown people who showed up just in time to help out. Ikagura was about to asked them who they were until the one in the tan desert uniform spoke first.

"Any more on your guys side?" Nick asked as he kept his shotgun up. 

"No Lieutenant, were clear." Michael answered as he looked around for more targets to shoot at. "No more of those dolls showing up." 

"Ahem." Ikagura cleared her throat. "(Who are you 4 and how did you find this place?)" The girls still kept there guard up as they didn't know who these 4 were and what they wanted. Ryan then turned around to face the girls to talk to them.

"I got this." Ryan told Nick as he, Michael and Alex kept watch. "(There's no need to pick a fight with us, we found this place by accident.)" 

"(This place is a secret to outsiders.)" Ikagura said. "(Now, who are you 4?)" 

"(Well, for starters we are US Marines.)" Ryan started. "(I'm Corporal Ryan, lieutenant Nick here is our leader, that's Sargent Alex, and Private Michael there.)" 

"(If you are US Marines why are you wearing old style uniforms?)" Asuka asked.

"(Well...were cosplaying as Marines from different times of conflicts.)" Ryan explained. Then the group heard another voice giggling in a echo around them.

"(Hehehe~, well, well, well, I never expected to find our little Marine friends in Hanzo.)" The voice said. "(Are you 4 hiding with these Hanzo students so they can protect you from us?~)" Ryan knew who the voice belonged to and it became all too clear who was attacking them with the dolls.

"(So Haruka, your the one causing this.)" Ryan retorted back as he and the others looked around to where her voice was coming from. "(Come out and show yourself!)"

"(Oh?~ I won't reveal myself to you just yet.~)" Haruka replied as her voice echoed around them. "(I just want you all separated, now.)" 

"(Haruka, just go very far away and punch yourself in the face.)" Ryan insulted. "(You and your Jap friends!)" That comment made Haruka and the others very mad as that was a really bad insult to them.

"(If that's the way your gonna treat us.)" Haruka started. "(Its a fight you'll get!)" She then snapped her fingers and portals opened up all around the group of Marines and ninjas. Nick and Asuka got sucked up into the one that was closest to the 2 and so did with Michael and Katsuragi. Yagyu fell into one by herself but, Alex and Ikagura were sucked up into one together to somewhere else. Finally Ryan and Hibari were sucked up in the last one and the whole group was separated from one another.

It was clear to both the Marines and ninjas that they would have to fight they're way out of this trap if they wanted to survive. The Evil Shinobi now had the group split up so now they were weaker if they were separated. But what they didn't know was the lesson they failed to learn last time they fought the Marines. Lets just say it wasn't going to be a fair fight for the attacking bad ninjas at all.


and I'm gonna stop it right here for now....

Let me know what you guys thought of it!

Just FYI I do not like using racial terms it doesn't suit me...

Let me know which of my books I should update next!

Stay tuned for more awesome chapters!

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