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I growled something to Barf and Belch, mirroring Fishlegs' frantic question.
"Hey, we didn't do anything!" Tuffnut protested. "Dragon...Hiccup stayed to get some other dragons out. Astrid and Snotlout were with him."

We'd made it to the refuge caves, cold tunnels leading under the earth to big hollowed-out caverns. Hiccup had planned for this eventuality, drilling us on where we needed to go, and kept enough supplies to feed a few for a long time or everyone for a few days. But when we got there, the leaders were missing and the other Vikings with them.

I nudged Fishlegs comfortingly, wishing not for the first time that humans could speak our language. "They'll come soon, right?" he asked me. "They can fly, they wouldn't get stuck, right?"

"Hookfang's wing was injured." I murmured, tail thumping in anxiety. "I didn't think it was bad...what if he can't fly? Hiccup and Toothless would never leave one of us behind, they might have stayed - wait, what if Toothless' tail is damaged!" If only I could make the Vikings understand me.

Sundance covered her head with her wings. "It's not safe to leave. If they're out there and another flameshell hits, they could get hurt." The tension could be cut with a knife. I couldn't imagine what would happen if our Furies died. And Stormfly and Hookfang and their Vikings were out there too...

"We'll manage on our own, and they'll be back soon. They have to be."


"We gotta move." Astrid's dust-streaked face was determined despite the unease in her eyes. I felt the sense reflected in my own - something was wrong.

I struggled to my feet, no - foot, leaning heavily on Toothless to keep my balance. "You're right. But the bridges are snapped and only Stormfly can get in the air." We were isolated in an island of crushed stone, the ground far below us. Dragon's Edge had been designed for dragons - the bridges were never intended to be a solid means of transportation. And it was all haphazardly designed and high up.

"Why?" Snotlout demanded. "Why is this entire island becoming target practice for whatsisname Deathskull or whatever dumb thing he calls himself?" I sighed bitterly. "Because he wants to kill and sell every damn dragon in this Thorforsaken Archipelago. And we're in the way. So he wants me and Toothless and everyone else dead."

"Charming." Astrid commented. "But sooner or later he will shoot again. And we're dead centre of the blast zone. So stop being depressed and get your asses in gear." Stormfly screeched an agreement. "Let's get outta here." 

I limped to the cliff edge, contemplating the fall below me. "It's not too far down..."

"No way. That's insane and you are going to die." Astrid grabbed my arm. "Do you hear me, Haddock! You aren't a bloody dragon, you don't have..."
I pulled my arm free as she spoke, cutting her off. "
And I jumped.


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