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"Stay close." Hiccup murmured to the Vikings. "Viggo's known for traps."

We were on the lead ship, creeping through the corridors belowdecks. We'd snuck onboard in the dead of night to rescue Atali. Logically, the queen would be on the lead ship. The youngest of the hatchlings would be with her. Since the little ones couldn't fly, we weren't able to just blast the ship like we were going to do with the others. So here we were, five Vikings and seven dragons, trying to get to the cages unseen.

Hiccup was in the lead, carrying a lantern. He would stop every few steps to trigger the unseen traps. You see, Viggo has a thing about Snappers. Those are the ones that snap shut and trap whatever stepped on them, usually breaking bone in the process.
Hiccup has a metal leg.
Ever since the first time we'd raided a ship, he would always just step on the triggers. The Vikings seemed to have forgotten that until one struck from under the boards. The look on Astrid's face when he casually kicked it off was hilarious.

Sorry, I'm getting distracted.

Anyway, we'd managed to slip past the half-asleep guards. Two had woken up, a problem which was quickly solved when the twins knocked them out. Seems like those two's propensity for violence can be useful after all. But the ship's mazelike construction made it almost impossible to find the dragon cages. "This thing is as twisted as Viggo's mind." Hiccup muttered as our passage ran to a dead end. "Toothless, can you sound it out?"
Since I am awesome and fabulous, I can use echolocation to find my way. The sonar yielded few results since all but one passage lead to nowhere. "This way." I said, gesturing with my wing to the left corridor. "You may now applaud." Sadly, no one clapped.

We turned a corner into another room. The sheer number of dragons cramped into the tiny space was horrifying. It seemed that the Dragon Hunters had been busy filling their orders, with dragons of all species imprisoned two to a cage. Atali's was on the end, with at least ten very small hatchlings wedged in under her. She hissed as we approached, wrapping her wings protectively around the little ones. "Atali, it's us." I whispered. Confusion filled her violet eyes. "Toothless? Hiccup? Why are you here?"

"To rescue you." Hiccup murmured, slashing the lock off her cage. The Razorwhip Queen shifted uncomfortably in her small prison. "I'm stuck." Her scales grated loudly on the bars as she moved. Atali is a Titan Wing, her larger size proving a detriment in this case.

The other Vikings were releasing the trapped dragons as Atali attempted to wiggle free. Almost...
The hatchlings romped happily around Hiccup's feet, the urgency of the situation lost on them. "Shh!" I hissed. "If the Dragon Hunters hear us..." I trailed off, freezing in shock. Three sleepy-looking Hunters stood in the doorway. Just as Atali scraped past the doorway - extremely loudly - they yelled out.

"And we're screwed." Hiccup muttered, a sentiment I fully agreed with.

The alarm was raised, and we barely managed to get out on deck before the catapults took us down. I struggled in my bonds, hissing in frustration. Most of the captives had made it. Unfortunately, we hadn't.
The silence of midnight was pierced by loud yells and curses, in both Norse and Dragonese. Astrid in particular was very vocal. But all of our voices were silenced when Ryker appeared, looming over us with a savage smile. "Viggo wants to see you. All of you."
A/N: Sorry about the bad writing in this chapter. This A/N is here to give a huge shoutout to *drumroll please* EchoTheHybrid , for their enthusiastic support and kind comments! Words cannot express how thankful I am for you.
Goodbye, Toothlets, and I'll see you in the next chapter!
Peace, love and dragon plushies,

Soul of the Sky (HTTYD Runaway Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora