Chapter 2

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Soooo remember when I said Sawyer was mad at me? Well turns out..... He still is and it's after a week. I'm getting pretty worried about him because he's never been mad at me this long.

But I'm in homeroom right now and I just got into the school about thirty minutes ago. So I'm sitting at my desk with my head down, when my HR teacher, Mr.Brice, yells out to get everybody's attention. I raise my head and pay attention as he starts talking.

"So class, we will be having a new student today. He's come all the way from Tiskee Marine, so make sure you welcome him." As he ends his little speech, a tall, bright-skinned, fine ass, baby blue-eyed, ass man walks through the door. All the kids eyes who weren't paying attention immediately snapped their heads to the gorgeous piece of walking flesh.

Whew I swear, god be showing favoritism cause he sure did spend some extra time making him.

A series of whispering and girls giggling while gossiping to their friends about him started. All the boys looked as if they were shaking in their boots. I could already tell they thought he was going to be taking bitches left and right.

"Shhhh shh, settle down class. Mr.Bryant please introduce yourself and tell the class a little bit about yourself."

"Ayo, my name Aiden. I play football." Everyone practically melted at how deep and sexy his voice was - including me. It sounded so milky smooth yet firm and demanding.

Shit! I want him to just wrap his perfectly sculpted hands around my hips and fuck the shit outta me. I fucking hope he's gay or bi or something. I want a shot at that.

"Well ok Mr.Bryant, there aren't alot of seats left in the class, so you can sit in whichever seat is available."

OMG OMG the only two empty seats are in front of me and to the right of me. I sit all the way in the back by the window and I don't talk to people so people don't talk to me meaning they don't sit by me either. Only person who does is Sawyer and he's absent today. Aiden sits on the right of me and we don't have assigned seats, so Mr.Sexy can sit where ever he pleases. Though I'd rather have him sit in front of me so Sawyer and him don't get into any problems in the future, and maybe -just maybe - so I can stare at his glorious body without getting caught.

But of course, I can't do that because he walks his fine ass over to Sawyer's seat.

He looks at me expecting me to say something, but I just glance at him and look towards the board as the lesson starts. I can still feel him looking at me.

"Of course he got a septum piercing. Man he so fine." I think

"Aye wassup."

I turn to look him in his sky-fucking-blue eyes and practically show the hearts in mine. Not knowing what to say, I spout the corniest thing I could think of.

"The sky." I say in my sweet, soft tone.

He suddenly burst out laughing. His laugh was so beautiful, it sounded like a rumble of thunder on a stormy night.

Once he laughed, everyone - who wasn't already looking - turned back to look at us to see what all the commotion was about.

This caused the teacher to look back at us from his board to scold us.

"Mr.Rein, Mr.Bryant do I need to give you two a detention already?" Mr.Brice said narrowing his eyes at us.

"No." we both said in sync. We looked at each other and waited till Mr.Brice turned back around before I giggled and he laughed again - quieter this time.

"So how long you been here?" he asked.

"Since I was 10. Why you move here?"

"I just....needed a change of....scenery... What about you? Why you move?" ummm....okay... Sounded kind of suspicious...

"Umm personal reasons..." After I said that I turned my attention back to the teacher to show him I wanted to end our little conversation for now so I didn't have to bring up bad memories.

After class

The bell rung and I got my stuff to head to my next class, but was stopped on my way out the door.

"Mr.Rein could you show your new classmate to all his classes please? You will be rewarded with a 'no homework for a week pass'." Mr.Brice said.

I thought about it. He seemed kinda suspicious, so I don't want to get involved, buuuuutttt that no homework for a week tho and I will be able to take in his beauty for a little while longer....

I've decided.

"When will I get the pass?"

Mr.Brice lets out a long exasperated sigh I didn't know he was holding in. "Ohh thank goodness, I asked a few people before you and they all got too excited at the sound of Mr.Bryant's name. I had to cut them off because Mr.Bryant probably would've ended up in one of the janitor's closet doing pg things with one of these wayy over priced girls or outside with a group of nut heads smoking something they found in a bush. I'm glad you said yes, I know you're a good student and will take care of him for me, but I'll get you that pass right now." As he finished saying his piece, he went to get the pass from his desk while I wiped my tears I got from laughing so hard. Mr.Brice is definitely my favorite teacher, but he's not wrong. I get straight A's, so I'd be the best person to choose to be the teacher's assistant or - as others like to call it - the 'teacher's pet'.

He came back with the pass and the god of beauty.

"Ohhhk here's your pass and your person. Have a nice day you two."

With that me and Aiden walked out the classroom.

It was a little bit awkward, but I tried to hurry up and get this done. "Soooo where's your schedule?"

He starred at me for a second or two before answering. He seemed like there was something bothering him, but I brushed it off so I could hurry up and get to class, away from his fine, suspicious ass.

"........oh, uh here..." I brushed his odd behavior off again and looked over his schedule before knowing, I was not going to be able to stay away from him. Not only because he was so attractive that I get pulled towards him, but also because he has all of the same classes me and Saw have.

Welp, isn't this gonna be fun.


More than a bestfriend |bxb||boylove|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon