Chapter 1

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Three years
Taylor POV

"Boi stoooop playin with me." I practically moan to Sawyer, as he pins me to the ground and kisses my neck. I tried to push him off me but Sawyer is holding my hands above my head with our fingers combined. Kicking him won't work either because he has his thighs holding my legs down. He was also rubbing his heat against mine, which of course got me hard. Not that I don't want all this good shit on me, it's just I know he wasn't serious, so I didn't want to get serious either. I liked, liked him. I'm pretty sure he knew this and didn't say nothing about it cause he "straight", but that doesn't mean I want him playing with my feelings.

As he was rubbing and kissing me everywhere but my lips, I was wondering how he call himself straight. Especially when his little buddy down there was getting hard too.

See...Sawyer wasn't always like this. He used to be the straight boy he said he was, but I have a suspicion that one time, when we were fifteen, he started to get confused about his sexuality because of the "incident".


I was in my room watching some nice ass gay porn, when somebody burst through the door. I usually kept the front door unlocked incase my mama came home from work early. That's who I thought it was, and I didn't stop my fun just cause she was here. My mama don't burst in my room when the door closed, she leave it closed to give me privacy. I love her for that, but that's besides the point.

So I continued watching my porn and pleasuring myself. All of a sudden, somebody burst through my room door. I was shocked to say the least. Not only because someone bursted threw my room door, but also because it wasn't my mother!!!

I paused what I was doing immediately and just sat there in complete shock as I watched my bestfriend do the same.

We were both staring at each other for what felt like eternity, but broke our gazes when we heard the front door open and close again. It had to be my mom this time because I sure don't have any other friends or family members around.

When we heard my mom coming in I swiftly pulled the covers over my naked lower half, exited out the porn on my phone - reminding myself to delete my browser history later, turned on my Xbox, sat down on the floor with the remote, and motioned Sawyer over to do the same. He was hesitant about it, but still complied and proceeded to play C.O.D.

My mom walked pass my room door and saw Sawyer, whome she'd never met before. She came into my room with a curious look on her face. I paused the game and introduced him.

"Ah ma this Sawyer, my b-bestfriend." I said trying - but failing - to sound casual. I was afraid Sawyer wouldn't want to be my bestfriend after witnessing what I was just doing.

Though Sawyer gets on my fucking nerves sometimes and he's too happy for me, I love him because he's my only friend and he tries hard to protect me and make me happy even though we've only known each other for one year. I don't want to lose him.

My mom nodded her head in understatement, introduced herself, and left to her room after telling us she'd order pizza in a bit and closing my door. I heard a small "I thought I was your best friend"

I let out a heavy breath of relief once the door was all the way closed.

"Ahh shit that was close," I chuckled completely forgetting that I was naked from the waist down.

More than a bestfriend |bxb||boylove|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ