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When love gets lost

"You think you funny BITCH!! I will whop yo ass! You not finna have me out here lookin' like a fool!!" Kendrik yells.

Currently, Kendrik is giving Kristean a run for her money. He's very abusive and doesn't have any respect for anybody. Kendrik thinks Kristean is cheating on him because everyone wants to talk to her.

Kristean is suffering in this relationship, but she has never cheated; she has always been loyal. Anytime some random ass dude come up to her, asking for her number, she uses the same sentence everytime: "Get out my face". Kristean is the most loyal person you could ever meet, but her boyfriend doesn't see that. All Kendrik see's is a flurry of insecure thoughts and a bottle of Whiskey ready to be downed.

It doesn't really matter to Kendrik that he and Kristean have a kid together, if anything, it gives him another innocent person to beat on.

Taylor Rein is their only little child. He has been a victim of his dad's abuse since he was five; he is now ten years old. Taylor is an innocent boy that hasn't done anything wrong; he has always been the good in school, never gets into fights with his peers, keeps his grades up, and he never causes his mom or his dad problems. Taylor doesn't have friends because he's so antisocial, but he doesn't get bullied or anything either.

Even though Taylor is such an angel, his dad is the devil's spawn, so he abuses Taylor, both physically and verbally.

Currently, Kendrik is dead drunk again and is on another one of his rampages. He allegedly saw Kristean and Taylor in a restaurant with an unknown man.

"I told you that wasn't who you thought he was Ken!! I told you it was Tay teacher!!!" Kristean shouts, tears running down her eyes along with her mascara.

"Oh so he causing problems now!" Kendrik said facing his shaking, terrified son.

"N-nawh d-d-dad I w-wa-" Taylor was cut off by a sharp punch to his face. The punch landed on his eye, causing it to blacken again. Taylor cried out in pain, as he held his eye, shaking. He felt like he would pass out. Luckily, he went through this type of stuff everyday, so he had gotten accustomed to it(not that that's a good thing).

Kendrik had just gotten done giving Taylor a black eye the day before, and it had started to disappear.....until just now. This was bad because his teachers always asked about how such a good kid got these bruises so often. Of course Taylor had to lie, or his father would do worse damage.

Really, that's what he and his mom went to see his teacher for - to talk about the bruises. His teacher had seen more bruises on his mom and figured out the puzzle by himself. Taylor's mom told the teacher she was planning on moving in just a few days to solve the problem, but Taylor's teacher didn't think that would be enough to stop Kendrik, so he suggested she called the police to get him arrested. He'd told them if Kristean called the cops, Kendrik would have to face: Child abuse, Woman abuse, Harassment, and much, much more. Kristean told the teacher she'd think about it and thanked him for being so concerned and understanding.

As Taylor was in his thoughts, trying to stay awake, his dad was yelling and shouting things at him. Of course he wasn't listening because he was in his thoughts, so when his dad asked him a question and he didn't answer, his dad thought Taylor was ignoring him. Obviously, this was bad because it angered him even more. So what did he do? He punched him again. This time three times as hard. He punched Taylor so hard, Taylor flew from the middle of the living room floor, to the other side of the kitchen's wall. His head made a loud 'thump' sound as it connected with the wall.

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