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The Origin and Worship of Ultimate Luck

Documented by Aberra Preterna


Say you found a gold piece on the ground. You are now one gold richer. Then you gamble with that gold piece, and you win 100 gold. You decide to spend your winnings on a treat for yourself. While browsing through the shops, you run into an old companion that you missed quite dearly. You talk with them more, and decide to share in your winnings with your friend. You both enjoy a theatrical production and an extravagant meal, paid for with ninety-nine gold. You decide to keep the one gold piece that you found earlier in the day. You would not have had such a pleasant day without it, after all.

You see it, do you not?

This hypothetical situation displays in simple terms the power of luck. Some may call it all coincidence. Others may call it happenstance. A few would even go so far as to call it fate or destiny. Regardless of the name it takes, they all mean the same. Luck is an abstract power of the universe. Luck is a chaotic balance of success or failure. From failures must come some form of success. Furthermore, one can only succeed so many times before they are bound to fail.

Luck cannot be controlled, but it can be contained. Certain charms or omens can carry luck with them. Take for example, the coin on the ground I discussed earlier. Some people are inherently lucky. In the hypothetical situation, that would be you for finding the coin in the first place. Considering how abstract luck is, we as living creatures have found ways to make luck tangible for ourselves.

But what power imbues these items and people with the luck they possess? What force ensures the certain balance of success and failure for each individual? That is who I plan to discuss. A minor deity with a reality-altering gift whose tale was passed down through generations of prophets but never documented. I shall test my own luck in spreading what I have learned of this God of Fortunes. In time, I shall learn if this leads to success or failure.

Hopefully yours, 

Aberra Preterna

Origin and Worship of The Ultimate LuckWhere stories live. Discover now