32: Goodbye, Noah Grayson

Start from the beginning


"You're saying you want Kent to stay over? Till your birthday?" his dad asked, albeit a little sceptical.

"Yes." Noah replied.

"March 6th is still a good two weeks away."

"Your point?"

Whenever it came to permissions or disciplinary action, coach Grayson was the dad in charge. I didn't know whether his other dad was incapable of making decisions, or just didn't want to make decisions to be held accountable.

"On one condition." Coach finally said.

"No frick-fracking." His grandma said, to which he blushed hard.

"I was gonna say they sleep in separate
rooms..." His grandma sighed while his dad continued like it was normal for her to say things like this. "And as long as your parents are okay with it." He addressed me with his last sentence.

I knew for a fact that my dad is definitely not okay with it. I also knew he was going to cause trouble if I tell him.

I wasn't gonna tell him.

I was even dreading having to go and pick up my clothes and all that hustle.

Little did I know I wasn't even going to see Noah's house again.

I don't remember seeing Noah happier than that last night we spent in his bedroom. He talked about everything on his mind.

He told me how excited he was to finish our Home Economics project because we got to work on it together.

He told me how he was going to try see and talk to his friends more because he was being too distracted from them.

He told me how much he loved the cold grey colour of the moonlight.

He told me how much he loved cerulean blue.

He told me how much I'm cerulean blue.

He told me he wanted to do so many things with me that I felt like we actually had a chance at something happy.

I told him how I'm all his to do whatever he wants.

We had a chance at something happy.

We had a chance at so many things that didn't happen.

Why didn't they happen?

Because my dad was a bitch, that's why.

Dad was set to arrive home at 6pm. He needed to be ready for the event that was set to be at 7pm.

I was home at 2pm.

I grabbed the duffle bag that was sitting atop my closet for God knew how long. I whack against the wall and all the dust came off in a cloud.

I shoved a few clothes from several drawers. Just the basics. Noah's jacket didn't fit in the duffle, so I straight up wore it. Then I grabbed my phone charger and wallet. That's when I realised I didn't have any money.

I looked around the living room for whatever change I could find. I found a few coins here and there, but not enough to buy a sock, let alone a gift for Noah's birthday.

I made my way to dad's room and carefully studied it. It looked way neater than I expected, if I were being honest.

It looked very much like a normal bedroom for a normal person. If only our bedrooms told our truths.

I rummaged through the cupboards, trying hard not to make it look like someone had gone through his stuff. He would undoubtedly kill me if he knew I went through his room.

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