Chapter 1 - #Winning!

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Hi guys!!

So sorry that the first chapter was kinda short... This one is much longer! btw: One Direction will show up in the next chapter or two :) :) :) :)



*Ten Years Later*

"You're insecure, don't know what for. You're turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or." My alarm clock goes off.

"Urgh, SHUT UP!! I don't want to get up yet.." I mumble at it, still half asleep. "Vi, come on! The contest results are supposed to be here today!" My best friend ever and flat mate Deanna Wood yells at me from the bottom of the stairs, laughing.

"5 more minutes! Then maybe!" I yell back. "What if I told you the mail was here? Then would you get up?" she said coyly, knowing that those results were the only thing that could get me out of bed at this ungodly hour of 10 AM. Well, it is Saturday, plus it's the start of summer vacation. I think I deserve to sleep in.

Then what she said sunk in. THE RESULT ARE HERE ALREADY?!?!?!?!? "I'm up, I'm up!" I yell as I roll out of bed and head for the shower.

"Morning sleepyhead." Deanna chuckles at me when I stumble into our flat's kitchen. A plate of toast, eggs, and bacon sits at one of the places at the counter where we eat. Deanna is an amazing cook. As much as love her food, I have other priorities today.

"Did you say the mail was here?" I ask, wanting her to say yes. "Yeah, all today's mail is in to box downstairs, whenever you want to go get it." "OK, I'm going" I say, already on my way out.

"Oh, and will you wake the other girls? Otherwise, they'll sleep all day." she calls after me. I give her a thumbs up to show that I heard her, and walk out the door.

Our flat, and the flat where our other three best friends live, are in a huge complex in central London. It was just a short walk from our school, and the perfect spot for our random shopping trips. Our flats were on the seventh floor, and were the only two on this level. As a result, they were HUGE. We all had really nice rooms, our own bathrooms, plus we get our own laundry rooms and kitchens and everything. It's brilliant.

The girls probably left their outer door unlocked. They usually do. The only door they lock is the door connecting their suite to the one that Deanna and I share, which is why I had to go around. They learned the hard way all the pranks we could pull if they left that door unlocked.

I smile to myself as I slip inside their apartment. I tiptoe up to Bekah's room and open the doors adjoining to Hannah's room. Bekah's all curled up and cozy under her duvet, but she won't stay that way for long. Not if I have a say about it.

I turn the lights on and yank her duvet and pillows away, but she just mumbles and rolls over. "Bekah, wake up... Bekah... REBEKAH MOORE GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT OF BED!!!" I yell as I try to shake her awake. No such luck.

Sighing and wishing it didn't come to this, like EVERY morning, I go to the kitchen and grab some ice cubes out of their freezer. Going back upstairs, I quickly slip them under Bekah's shirt. I sprint out of the room, barely containing my laughter, as she wakes up shrieking something I can't understand. Probably along the lines of how she hates me forever and she's going to kill me. On the bright side, her shrieking also wakes Hannah up, at least until she groans and stuffs a pillow over her ears.

Knowing that neither of them will be able to fall back asleep, I cross the hall to Alyssa's room, only to hear the noise of the shower pounding away in the bathroom. I actually expected this, she takes FOREVER in the mornings to do her hair.

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