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The Blake and Yang wake up, and Blake punches the Monkey Faunus in the face.

???: ow! I think you broke my nose!

Blake: what the hell are you doing in our room?

Yang: honey language.

Blake: sorry Yang.

Sun: I was just coming to check on you guys because we are at our destination.

Blake: in that case I'm sorry for punching you, I just heard y/n screaming and I...

Sun: *cutting Blake off* went into protective mode, it's alright I understand. He's your special little guy.

A few hours later

The trio finally exit the vessel and head to the city of Menagerie.

Y/n: mommy, mama where are we?

Blake: we're in Menagerie, it's where Gramma and Grampa live.

Y/n: *holding Yang's hand*really? Are we going to see them right now?

Yang: yes and yes, but first, is anyone hungry?

Y/n: *excited* I am!

Yang: *optimistic* well then, I guess we try to find a restaurant.

After a couple hours pass they manage to find restaurant and sit down at a table. They begin to look at the menus.

Blake: *looking at y/n* what you do you want to eat y/n?

Y/n: can I have a large hamburger?

Blake: why do you want a large one?

Y/n: *sad* I didn't eat breakfast or lunch.

Blake and Yang: ok then, large hamburger it is then.

Blake: what do you want to drink?

Y/n: f/s!

A/n: f/s means favorite shake.

Yang: how about we share one, ok?

Y/n: ok!

Waitress: are you ready to order?

Y/n: yep!

Waitress: ok what would you like to order?

Yang: we would like one medium Ramen, I medium bowl of Sushi, a large hamburger, one water, and one f/s.

Waitress: *finished writing their order down* ok then, I'll be back in a few minutes.

A few minutes later

The waitress comes back with the food, and places each plate and drink on the table. Blake cuts the hamburger into smaller pieces, so y/n could eat it easily. Y/n then begins to eat his hamburger piece by piece.

Y/n: mm!

Blake: *chuckling* eat it slowly y/n or else you'll have a stomach ache.

Y/n: yes mama.

When y/n was done he let out a small burp.

Y/n: excuse me.

Blake: you're excused. Now you need to wait a few minutes before you start drinking your shake ok?

Y/n: yes mama.

After a few minutes pass

Blake: now don't drink it too fast...

Y/n begins to slurp his half of the shake and gets a  brainfreeze.

Y/n: *holding his temples* ow, ow, ow, ow!

Blake: I told you not to drink it so fast.

Y/n: but it was so tasty.

After a while y/n's head stopped hurting and they began to walk to the Belladonna residence.

Yang: is that it in the center?

Blake: yes how did you know?

Yang: intuition I guess.

They make it to the Belladonna residence and knock on the door. They wait for a response, when they hear a voice.

???: I'll get the door.

The door opens and out comes an adult cat Faunus.

???: Blake?

Blake: mom? is dad here?

Blake's mom: who are they *gesturing to y/n and Yang*

Blake: *to her mother* oh yeah, well this is my son y/n and my girlfriend Yang Xiao Long. *to Yang and Y/n* this is my mom, Kali Belladonna.

Y/n: *curiously* are you my gramma?

Kali: yes I am, how about you three come back inside.

They went inside and sat down on the sofa and began to talk.

Kali: I'm glad you're ok, so this little one is...

Blake: our adopted son, yes. although, he is distantly related to Yang, but close enough to be counted as a relative. They gave her custody of y/n, so she is his legal mother since his parents are probably dead.

Kali: Well, that's good. So Yang, how is Y/n behavior wise for the two of you?

Yang: he's quiet most of the time, and he doesn't give us any trouble. He's the greatest thing that has ever happened to us.

Kali: can I talk to him for a minute, wile you go get your father?

Blake: of course mom.

Blake walks upstairs to get her father to come down.

Kali: hey y/n, can you come over here for a minute?

Y/n: *walking over to Kali* ok gramma, what do you need?

Kali picks up y/n and starts to tickle him. Y/n begins to laugh and giggle as Kali does the same. After a few minutes y/n manages to speak.

Y/n: *breathlessly* please s-s-stop

Kali stops tickling him and sees Ghira start to laugh.

Ghira: so who is this Kali?

Kali: this is you adopted grandson Ghira.

Y/n: hi granpa!

Ghira: *chuckling* why type of Faunus is he?

Blake: He's a nine-tailed fox Faunus.

Ghira: really? I thought they were all killed.

Blake: nope, Yang saved him from the streets.

Ghira: it seems humans can change after all. Thank you Yang, I cannot tell you how much we appreciate this.

Sun: hey wait a minute, so why did I get slapped?

Blake: you scared Y/n so much that you made him scream.

That night everyone took showers and went to bed. Yang laid down with y/n between her and Blake.

Y/n: Goodnight mama, goodnight mommy.

Blake and Yang: goodnight pumpkin.

They all fell into a deep sleep.

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