"W-what? No, no I'm good over here thanks," he was constantly fidgeting and looking away. It was clear that he was way out of his comfort zone, but so was I, nobody let me rest. "You can kidnap and kill people, but you can't torture them?" I asked whilst tilting my head. He'll give in to that, I did. "Kidnapping and killing are different you knock them out and don't have to face their screaming and begging."

"Pathetic isn't it,"


"Their screaming and begging, all you need to do is scare 'em and they'll be begging at your feet to spare their lives," I laughed. Jungwoo's expression completely dropped, but so did mine back in the day. 'You're weak Lee, FUCKING WEAK!' the things that man said to me and the things he made me do, I'll never forget. Ever.

Kim Jungwoo

Donghyuck was on and off, one minute he was talking and the next he was staring off into space with his fists clenched. He was younger than me, yet it felt like he was the older one. After watching him torture this Kris guy, I was terrified, terrified of what he was going to do next. Before, he was just playing, but now he had something or someone to think of when torturing him. And there it was, right in front of my eyes, the beast that he had been holding in.

With every punch he threw, there was some sort of emotion behind it. The anger he had built up was being released and in the worst way. "I DON'T HAVE ALL FUCKING DAY, SO TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!" he shouted, making me jump. My senses were dulled, from the petrifying screams coming from Kris to the sound of him being beaten up endlessly. I can't, I can't watch anymore. If I continue to watch, I'll throw up, I was stupid to come here. Stupid to think that I'll get over this sickening feeling and before I knew it, I was running out with my mouth covered. I hate this, I hate feeling so pathetic when it comes to doing these things, I wish this pain would go away but I know it won't. I could hear Donghyuck calling after me, but I couldn't watch or listen anymore, it was getting too hard for me. Before I knew it, I threw up everything I had eaten in the past day, I looked up in the mirror. Pathetic.

I sat in the corner of my room shaking, like a pussy, I'm too weak. Why can't I be like him? Why can't I be like the rest of them? These thoughts are taking over my mind and with every soul I take, it feels like it's joining the other voices in my head. I couldn't control my body at times like these, I wanted to get up and brush away the pain, but such things were easier said than done. Sweat dripped from my face, or was it tears I'm not too sure, I need them, my pills I need them. I can't stand another minute of this, but they're so far away. I can't reach them, maybe if I push myself up I can get to them. I tried my best to pull up, but I couldn't, "someone help," I sobbed, except it wasn't even a sob. It was a pathetic whisper, 'you're weak' they spoke, 'so weak that you need drugs to get rid of us.' They laughed at me, they always laugh.

"GET THE FUCK OF MY HEAD," I screamed, "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING HEAD." But they didn't, they stayed. I hate this, I fucking hate this so much, please someone help me. No, save me.

Moon Taeil

'What was that?' I thought to myself, that scream sounded familiar but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. There was no way that was the torture hall, it's completely sound-proof through the inside and out. I decided to walk around and decipher where that pain-wrenching scream came found. After five minutes of searching, I was standing outside of Jungwoo's room, his constant sobbing was enough to make anyone's heart drop. Jungwoo had always been one of the most emotionally unstable out of all of us, but that didn't necessarily mean he was flawed. We're all flawed in our ways, it just takes different things to break a man.

I opened the door slowly to be faced with a sobbing and shaking Jungwoo, he looked up at me and I knew he felt ashamed. He didn't need to feel ashamed with me, I've always had his back and if he needs my help, I'm more than willing to give it. His lips were trembling, "Pathetic aren't I?" with every word he spoke, I could feel his pain as did his eyes. I knelt beside him and held him in my arms, "it's ok, Hyung has got you. You can rest,"

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