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Dear readers,

When i started this story a year ago, I was simply a weird, young, girl trying to contribute to her love for her idol and the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I will admit that I haven't been really good on updates. I am a student and it is just hard. (I know that sounds like an excuse and yes it is I just procrastinate a lot fuck it)

Its been very hard. I left the Hollander fandom for a while, changed like 4 fandoms within a year, and finally settled down (lmao).

Yes I'm weird but to a true fangirl, a fandom is kinda like a house or a belonging. During the winter break I was so confused about my fandoms and I just felt so lost. Ugh it was terrible (can anyone relate lol)

Per my last update, I was extremely sad and just randomly emotional But I have kind of? recovered, just a little bit but my mental health is like the waves on the seashore wow great metaphor cathy wow

I am extremely sorry, and I know you guys are tired for waiting for an update, but I am officially ending this story.

Recently. I moved schools and it was also very hard. I love love love love love my friends so so bad and I cried a lot the first day while on a call to my friends it was humiliating and I will never do that again.

But personal stuff aside because that shit's irrelevant, I hope that this story has led to some laughs, a few emotional moments, and a slightly stronger fanbase.

So yeah, this will be the last update for this story. Thanks to much for all the support and for some reason we reached 8k



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