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Tom: Amorino Gelato. Because he's busy filming and stuff when he has lunch breaks (etc.) you go out for ice cream and just enjoy being with each other. 

Harry: A weird but also cool hipster restaurant who's Wifi is something like "Bill Wi, the Science Fi" or "Martin Router King" and the password is "TellMYWiFiILoveHer" or something, and the people make cool stuff like Sushi donuts, rainbow grilled cheese sandwiches, avocado pizza, and charcoal ice cream. The waiters wear bandanas (BANDANA) and fake glasses that are really cool. 

Sam: McDonald's or In N' Out Burgers. Y'all are too lazy to be going to an actual restaurant since you always stay up late watching Netflix or Marvel movie marathons. 

Haz: Some fancy ass French restaurant with chandeliers and posh servers with French accents. Hell, you even have a private chef. "Haz, where do you even get the money???"

A/N hi guys thx for reading this also I'm trying to write imagines but they're way too hard... I'm working on a Harry Holland one that is based on the song Bellyache by Billie Eilish... idk if I'm even gonna finish it or not but if I do ill post it

A/N from satisfied_seavey: WHY DOES ^SHE^ HAVE SO MANY TYPOS UGH

Tom Holland and Peter Parker Preferences and ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora